Sometimes every day is a struggle can you relate t

my grandpa passed away this morning. my dad and I saw you guys in new orleans thursday. i didn’t know how deeply the lyrics were to fade in/fade out until I experienced them myself. my dad has had that song on repeat all day. i just want to thank you for your music, and this message. i really needed this today

The past year and a half were some of the darkest in recent memory. Severe depression and anxiety. Every day seemed like “really? Are you kidding me?” Felt like giving up multiple times. If it wasn’t for friends and family, probably would have. Reminding myself daily that people loved me and cared about me definitely got me through it. Talk to someone. Anyone. I had to, and I wished I did it sooner. :heart:

Mark is the man. One of the nicest people you could meet and amazing guitar player​:metal:t2::metal:t2:

Bro, I am just a text or phone call away!!!

Thank you for sharing! The last year has been…rough. Music and art are my refuge when I feel like I just can’t do it anymore. :raised_hands:

This made my week @markvollelunga , see you guys soon!:metal:t2:

I’ve been having trouble with keeping positive and focused on the future for the last month or so and feel like a failure. Thanks for sharing and giving me some perspective.

Thank you @markvollelunga for being honest about your experience. You and your family are very much loved. :heart:

You are so loved- you matter, the world needs you in it and sharing your gifts with us like you’re doing:) keep going! We are all here cheering you on:) :metal:

@markvollelunga I really understand. In 2014 I was driving home from my job in the ER. I was beyond burned out, I was nothing but ash in the bottom of the pit. The only reason I got out of bed was my kids. I was on my way home and had a horrible intrusive thought of driving full speed off the bridge. At the stop light I turned on the radio, guess which song was on? This is The Time, played live in my local radio station. I couldn’t believe that voice and that guitar was really live. When I got home I couldn’t get out of the car until the artists left. I ran inside and went straight to my computer and bought both albums despite having zero extra money. I listened to that music as I filled out new job applications. I ended up getting a much better job and career boost- plus I started writing again. Thank you. Honestly that song saved my life. You guys have a fan for life. :heart:

Hope things are getting better… sending hugs! :heart:

Thanks,I really needed to hear that today, it’s been a tough one :heart:

Yes I went from fully functional to losing my health to a chronic illness and within 4 months of that onset, I lost my ability to work, my health insurance, then my dad, my marriage and stepson, my pet and now most likely, my home. I am mostly bedbound and have caregivers. I spend ~21 hours per day alone. What am I hanging on for?


Thank you for sharing.
Music and art are two of my escapes. You making music helps me.

Beautifully said Respect. What a wonderful of reaching out and touching everyone. I know when I went through my last never ending ordeal I lost part of two fingers because of Covid and I felt like it just kept piling on. Took almost 6 months for it to get to where the decided to take them. I wore my nothingmore I’ll be ok to the surgery. I did it wide awake listening to I’ll be ok on repeat. Throughout it all I did try to have an attitude of gratitude. I can still work exactly the same as a photographer and I have the cutest peace sign on the planet. Baby peace :v:t3:


Wow, thanks so much for this. I just started therapy after basically asking my family for permission to end my own life last year, and talking about it is the best decision I ever made. Keep spreading the word.

:heart::fire::raised_hands:! You rock============

Why do you only have one sleeve on your t shirts?