Struggle with

I don’t know what I struggle with when I do prayer and meditation. It’s like I don’t feel anxious and depressed and I don’t worry. It’s like I can do the next right thing and take one day at a time. I don’t worry about dying whether there is a God or not or even if there’s reincarnation and if life continues. I don’t worry about my family or my past or the future. That’s what prayer and meditation help me with to be not anxious and to be in the present moment and not to be afraid of anything and know nothing is impossible. But when I don’t do prayer and meditation I have all these fears fear of living and dying fear of the future and I’m very afraid. But even with prayer and meditation I struggle with being in the present moment but today I rested and did some writing and I was in the present my moment. I still think about if there’s a God and if life continues after death but I think that’s all I have the present moment.

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Hey @Tristan,

As someone who struggle both with spirituality and making meditation a real habit - while I’m willing to really work on that -, hearing about how it helps you is really inspiring and motivating. Thank you for taking some time out of your day to actually share this. It means a lot. There is something comforting and reassuring in being focused on the present moment, on what we actually feel right here and right now. But indeed, being mindful is quite of a discipline in itself. Something that can be learned everyday, step by step.

Again, thank you for sharing this. I wish you the best on this personal journey that you’re having. :hrtlegolove:

Thanks I don’t know about spirituality. What motivates and inspires me is my soulmate. I am on a holy grail to find him. Thanks for being here.