Suffuring alone

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Hope by NF
suffuring alone…

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I just want to say that I hear you. Feeling like you’re suffering alone is absolutely heartbreaking, and you don’t deserve to feel stuck in this place, in this dark tunnel. It’s so exhausting to carry the weight of your own struggles, only by yourself, and it’s a powerful that you just took here by opening up about it.

I imagine how lonely it must feel right now and like you’re invisible to the world around you. Even when you’re surrounded by people, it’s like there’s this invisible barrier that keeps you from truly connecting with anyone. You might be smiling on the outside, but inside, it feels like you’re falling apart, and no one even notices. It’s suffocating. It makes every moment feel like a struggle just to get through.

I have felt the way you do many times in my life, and even during moments when I knew I had people who could be there if I let them in. The fear of being judged or misunderstood would make it even harder to reach out. I often ended up keeping it all inside, letting the pain just grow and grow, feeding on my silence. It’s hard to be stuck in this vicious cycle of craving connection, of NEEDING it more than anything else, but finding no way to actually get it.

What you are going through is important to be shared, and I just wanted to say that I see you my friend. However you might feel regarding this situation, is absolutely valid and understandable. It’s freaking draining to fight battles on your own, especially in a world where you are always encouraged to reach out to people around you.

Even if it feels like no one understands and no one is there with you, rest assured that there are people who care about you and want to support you right here in this community. Your pain is seen, and it matters. You matter. :heart: