Due to Popular Demand, we have developed a “Dark Mode” on the Support Wall (credit to developer, Hunter).
Forum Will Automatically Switch to Dark Mode If Your Device Is "Dark"
If the settings on your computer are set to “Dark”, then the forum should automatically switch over to the Dark Mode. If you toggle your device settings to “Light”, the forum will automatically switch back. You can turn off this automatic switcher by going to Profile -> Preferences -> Interface, scrolling to the bottom, and checking the box that says “Disable automatic Dark Mode theme switching”.
How to Manually Select Your Mode
If you don’t have Dark Mode on your actual device, but you do want for the forum to be in Dark Mode, you can manually select it by going to Profile -> Preferences -> Interface -> Themes -> heartsupport-dark. If you try Dark Mode and don’t like it, or you want to switch to Light Mode, go to the same place and select “heartsupport” as the theme, and it will switch back.
How to Get Dark Mode on Your Device
Here’s how to get “Dark Mode” on your computer itself, if you’re interested in switching.
We hope this improves your experience on the Support Wall. You may submit any other feature requests to me by Direct Messaging me on the forum at any time.
Hold Fast.