Survivors of family and friends who took their liv

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Belongs to: Therapist analyzes Su!cIde by Ren
Survivors of family and friends who took their lives needs to be addressed more than it is. Ren’s music covers this topic perfectly because his best friend ended his life so he knows how it feels, and he thoroughly gets it. I don’t think many understand how much this effects the survivors until they go through it. You never get over it, and struggle to get through it. I loss my brother to suicide and I’ve never been impacted so hard by anything in my life like that. It’s horrible. The guilt eats me alive because I feel like if I had known, I could have stopped him. I also feel like nobody gives a crap about how the survivors feel.


thank you for being here and sharing your story and experience with losing someone to suicide. i’m so sorry for your loss with your brother…. the loss, grief, guilt, and pain is immense for one heart to endure. it is hard when we’re in such pain and no one seems to pay any mind. the feelings we’re left with when someone we love dies, especially to suicide, deserves the care and attention you highlight in your comment that the world seems to be lacking. please know that you are seen, heard, and cared for in this heartsupport community. many of us have lost people we love to suicide so please know you are not alone in these frustrations, sadness, guilt, and so on. thank you again for being here and opening up about this, my friend.


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hey friend,
i’m so sorry to hear about your brother. losing someone to suicide is incredibly painful and confusing, and it’s something that affects survivors in profound ways. your feelings of guilt and the struggle to cope are completely valid, and it’s important to acknowledge how hard this is for you. it’s comforting to find something that resonates so deeply with your experience. sharing your story and feelings is a brave step, and it helps others realize they’re not alone in their grief and struggles.
sending love,
celina <3


Hi there,

thank you for coming here to tell your story. I am so sorry for the loss of your brother. Although I have never lost anyone to suicide, I know the aftermath of such a loss causes immense pain. In it’s own way I think that suicide can cause a form of survivor’s guilt, even if it is guilty that you felt like you didn’t know or do enough. However, I can tell that from the love that you felt for your brother, you have done everything that you could to make him feel loved, and I believe that is important. The pain that you feel is so valid and I know that loss of this magnitude hurts immensely. You are not alone and you are so loved. I think that it is also important that music is such good outlet to express your feelings, and I am glad that this song was able to help you find the right words. I wish you an immense amount of support and I hope you realize that your story can validate other survivors who may have lost a loved one in a similar way.

we are always here if you need anything at Hearts Support.

sending you love,


Hi there,

Thank you for sharing your perspective. The pain of losing someone you care about to suicide is absolutely devastating. I lost one of my closest friends to suicide and I think about it to this day. Like you, I still wonder if I could’ve stopped it or if I did something to cause it. I would replay all our memories trying to find out what I might’ve missed. It’s an incredibly difficult thing to go through and something you can never truly forget. So I hope you know that you are not alone in your pain and you are heard. I hope you’re kind to yourself in such a difficult circumstance. Your story matters

With love and support,


Hi there friend,

I really appreciate you sharing with us. And I think you are addressing something incredibly important. This is something that should be much more widely talked about. We lose loved ones, but we have to keep moving forward, keep loving, and keep strong. I hope that others will see your post and it will encourage them to share, and meet others who can help them. We are stronger together. And we’re here for you at Heart Support :heart:


Hi there,

Having someone you love take their own life isn’t something you could “get over” ever, perhaps. You’re constantly reminded of what could have been if you noticed in time, but I promise you it is not your fault for not noticing, despite your guilt. I’m saddened to hear about your brother, and I want to remind you that what you feel isn’t ignored and that we’re always here to provide support and a place to express yourself freely. I’m sure you made your brother feel loved when he was with you, and I am glad you found a song that resonates with you. Thank you for sharing your story, and I hope you realize it helps others who feel the same way be seen.

Sending love,


I see you friend, you’re feelings and anger are completely valid. These are losses that mess you up and it feels like you will never be the same. Survivor’s guilt is real, its hard having to wonder if there was more that you could have done. There is a song by the band Convictions called “The Price of Grace” and it deals directly with what you are going through. Just know that those you’ve lost continue to live in you and you honor them by waking up every morning and fighting another day. Our loved one’s are never truly gone as long as we hold on to their memories. I know that doesn’t replace their physical loss, but it does ensure that they are never forgotten. I want you to remember, when you are feeling like no one gives a crap about how you’re dealing with your loss, you’ve got us and we’ve got you. You matter!

With love and support,



Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us and your story. I am extremely sorry for your loss, and you’re right I probably don’t know the amount of pain and grief you feel plus the guilt it is too much for anyone. I know how frustrating it is when you are going through something so horrible and you feel like no one understands or cares about your pain or what you’re going through, but I can assure you there are people out there that understand what you’re going through and maybe reaching out to another survivor might help you feel less alone and misunderstood.
And you are right, we need to care more about survivors and what they are going through.
Sending you lots of love and please take care of yourself and remember whenever you need anyone to vent to come back to the forum and you will have someone to listen to you.

  • Domenica