Taking steps away from social anxiety, one day at a time

This is a little bit silly, but felt like a step important enough for me to share. I’m still learning to celebrate positive changes and growth in my life (always tempted to dismiss it and move on to the next item on my to do list). Forcing myself to take a pause now and reflect - so here it is.

I recently signed up for workout classes. Taking the leap came essentially from the fact that my therapist had to change the location of her practice, and she was basically one of the only people I was physically meeting with - which is now not possible anymore. One of the perspectives I’ve set to myself this year is to try to be more proactive in going out and seeking opportunities to meet new people, as my “IRL” social life is nonexistent besides interactions with my partner (the perks of remote working and being socially anxious). So it’s not necessarily to make new friends. I feel too old to pressure myself with that type of goal. It’s just about having a sense of live interactions with people, whether it’s casual or not. I already started to make it a habit to go to the coffee shop on my own once a week and work or journal from there. Workout classes was another item on my mind.

I learned that there is a centre very close to where I live, where they provide courses for small groups (up to 5 people by class). The types of workout provided are also right in my alley as I need to get back to shape after becoming a desk potato. Not too intense, focused on core training, streching and easing physical pain.

Last week I’ve been to my first class. I was sick to my stomach the week beforebecause of the fear of being the only one who signed up, and ending up alone with the teacher. :person_facepalming: Someone would usually be happy for that as it becomes almost an opportunity for a personalized training, while for me it feels more like a nightmare where you have no choice but to be seen. Thankfully we were a full group, and after this first session, I’ve felt safe enough to decide to take a full subscription. I’m thankful for this small group format as it’s not overwhelming and feels more intimate.

This step was important to me because social anxiety has always been a struggle and prevents me from doing things I like or wish to do. It’s gotten better over the last couple of years in specific areas, however, when I need to enter a completely new environment, with completely new people, and where I’m likely to have to interact with others… it’s a challenge. I’m also way too self-aware when it comes to my body shape and weight - which is a type of shame that has been overly present ever since I started to struggle with eating disorders during teenage years.

I think I did well for this first session though. Well - I did it, so that’s already more than I thought I could do. The only thing is that I feel embarrassed by the way we have to move sometimes, and my first reaction is to laugh… which I have to contain, lol. I had this happening years ago while trying yoga classes where I had this huge smile during almost the entire hour, because I felt so ridiculous seeing myself doing poses and seeing others at the same time. I believe it’s just about needing time for the mind to get more comfortable in this new setting and for the embarrassement/shame to be lifted away. To get a sense of familiarity and routine. I can’t count the amount of uncontrolled laughs I’ve had during therapy sessions. :sweat_smile:

It feels a bit unreal that I’m finally doing this now after it’s been on my mind for years, without daring to try.

Will write for once what feels like forbidden words… I’m proud of myself. These feel like reasonable expectations, a good alignment between stretching my comfort zone while not burning it out either. It’s already been insightful for me to pay attention to how I feel every step of the way.

Alright, now time to hide. Thank you for reading my digressions. :melting_face: And just a simple reminder: you matter very much. :hrtlegolove:


Great to hear about this progress of yours!

Although nothing too grand, it’s still worth celebrating the little steps to a more bearible life. Trying to recover from social anxiety is very admirable, not matter your age.

And speaking of progress, I too have been improving this month.

My general mood during the day is a bit more up beat and energetic, something my family has deffinitely noticed. I just tell them that I’m excited for Valentine’s, which is both a lie and the truth. For the next following days are going to be very important to me, since I’m patiently waiting to reconnect with an old friend of mine. At least, I hope that’s how it’ll go…

But anyways, it’s great to know that you’re trying to improve on yourself. Keep up the good work!


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My general mood during the day is a bit more up beat and energetic, something my family has deffinitely noticed. I just tell them that I’m excited for Valentine’s, which is both a lie and the truth. For the next following days are going to be very important to me, since I’m patiently waiting to reconnect with an old friend of mine. At least, I hope that’s how it’ll go…

Ohh that’s exciting! Is it the friend you’ve mentioned in another topic? The one you’ve known from school years ago? - Of course you don’t have to respond or share more details if you don’t want to. Just rejoicing for you here. :hrtlegolove:

Thank you also for the kind words. Some steps definitely make a huge difference, and it’s just nice to be in a state of remaining curious of what comes after - whether it’s good or not, it’s yet new experiences to explore and cultivate. Can only learn and grow from there.

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I think you should edit the first part to say “this is very important and brave of me”
I think what draws me the most to your post and words is the fact that you have had an uncomfortable encounter and haven’t said something like “I wasn’t good at it” or another negative reaction. You felt uncomfortable and contained laughter because, when we do something that is not natural to us, we don’t know how to fill in the reactions.

Once you become more comfortable and really take in the environment hopefully you’ll feel more at ease. Everybody will be doing the same things you are doing.
What’s even better is when a new routine is introduced everyone will be a “beginner”!

I’m extremely glad you wrote the forbidden words, because you deserve to be proud of yourself! I know that I am, it’s hard not to be when you read the post x
Kia kaha- stay strong x

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Thank you so much for your kind words, @AliceBlue. Yes, it’s a matter of developing a habit! I believe it can only get better by repeating the experience weekly.

the fact that you have had an uncomfortable encounter and haven’t said something like “I wasn’t good at it” or another negative reaction.

Thank you for pointing this out, as I did not consider it. It’s true that years ago the reaction would have been very different, more destructive or isolating. It brings a smile to notice this difference now. Thank you. :heart:

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I wanted to write a very nice reply. But my words are failing at the moment. I am very sorry.
I did want to say that I am extremely proud of you. It takes a lot to get out of your house and overcome your anxiety. You write that being proud of yourself feels like forbidden. Yet I think it is one of the best ways to describe what you did, you are allowed to be very proud of yourself. Because like us, you also matter. Very much so :heart:


Your words are very sweet and kind, no apology needed at all! It means a lot when something that is “normal” in other circumstances can still be celebrated when it requires to go out of our comfort zone. I had my second class earlier today - which was a lot more stressful than the first time, haha. But happy to have done it! Feels a bit surreal.

Thank you so much for your kindness. :hrtlegolove:

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You are slaying your dragons! And I am proud of you for doing that because it is scary and asks a lot of you as a person. But you did it! I don’t know if you saw Kitboga’s HS stream last december. He talked about slaying your dragons during that stream, and how it differs for each of us. I forgot his exact words but I could look up the fragment for you.
And you already went twice to the workout class, that is like slaying 2 heads of the dragon!!!

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