Thank you for caring wholeheartedly and genuinely

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Belongs to: Making a therapist cry - one more time blink 182
Thank you for caring wholeheartedly and genuinely. So much fake reality tv personalities flood my life and just hearing someone idk speak w purpose and compassion really made me smile and restore some faith back in humanity which has been kicking my butt very hard these last 6-8months straight. Myself going through extreme tragedy both physically and emotionally and not having the ones I thought cared be there for me made it so much worse. Going through my own mishaps and at the same time being broken hearted about people I’ve loved and been friends with most of my life not show any energy to actually be there for me in any way when I myself have always been there for them even basically adopting my then best friend who came from a broken family into my family from age 13 until recently sharing every life milestone both good and bad all these years together. Then, to just be left alone when I was literally begging for a hand to help me up which never came. I’m speaking about my lifelong “best friend “+ a handful of other close friends(I thought) and my ex who I always loved and treated good from day one-break up- and beyond. It really seemed like a bad joke or movie that never met its point of comedic relief…because it just was what it was. I was surrounded by self absorbed butt holes w one track minds and didn’t even know it. Because I just care so much and have always done my best to be there for them I didn’t even realize I was just being used for their own selfish reasons. I just genuinely loved them and thought it was mutual but I was so wrong. So I swallowed very hard, stopped feeling sorry for myself, focused on the things I’ve always loved and leaned on like music(music addict since I’ve had a memory), played guitar and sang my heart out, and hugged my dog so tightly she probably thought I was killing her and moved forward. Definitely w a broken heart and still having to go through all the other life’s hurdles alone. I was built to be able to take these terrible situations but oh man has it been hard…I’m just waiting for that comedic relief and genuine love to come back into my life. I’m still going to count my blessing in and stay true to who I am and keep whatever faith I have left as my North Star and keep praying that this too shall pass. I’ve never let anyone take from who I am and I seriously would be so terrified and a different person without the mountain of musical inspiration I have. God blessed me w my greatest gift which is my ear for quality true musicians thought I’ve worked my butt of to find and categorize through my process since back when finding new music meant you had to really work and seek it out. Which eventually spread a big web out and connects you to many different genes and sub genres none which are mainstream and really even known about. Even blink was in that category when I first found them in the late 90s. I always knew they were so special and authentic and just like me in every way. Coming from a rebellious punk rock skateboarding back ground. So to say this song doesn’t mean so much to me is an understatement and I’m very thankful for this. I hoping jay(the ex bf) will hear it and stop being how he has been and call me. I think it will happen I feel and I’ll have blink to thank for it because he knows how much I’ve loved blink ,we both do. We sang our hearts out to
Blink and saw them together way back after Take off Your Pants & Jacket. Help me put out this energy to him somehow so this will happen because god knows my sad emo heart needs it so bad dude….i miss himz.

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Hey there,
It seems like the past couple months have been very rough for you, and I’m sorry that the people you cared deeply for treated you that way. It sucks that they weren’t there for you when you needed it most.
In the same breath, I would also like to commend you for being able to channel your emotions through music. You mentioned that you tried to stay true to who you were, which is very brave of you, considering the circumstances.
You deserve to be surrounded by people who care for you as deeply as you care for them, and I hope that it works out for you in the best way possible :heart:

Hello! It sounds like you’ve been through a really challenging time and I admire you for the strength you’ve shown in facing those difficulties!

The things you’ve gone through are horrible and take time to heal and Its great to see the effect that music, particularly blink-182 has had on you. Music is an amazing channel to express yourself with and it’s great that you’ve found this way of expressing yourself.

It’s great that you’re choosing to spend your time on what you love with music and your dog. Please remember to prioritize your own well-being first and to embrace the positive parts of your life.

It’s important to remember that there are people who care about you in your life right now and that there are people out there who will come to love you in the future that you haven’t met yet. It’s ok to lean on the things that bring you comfort and I’m proud of you for reaching out.


Hello there,

Thank you for sharing and for being here. It’s so hard when people who are close to us leave our life and feel for you – I know it’s painful to have so many people leave in such a short time. It also sounds like you still feel the void left by the loss of these friends, which is so difficult, and I hope this is alleviated soon.

With that said, I am glad to hear that you’ve been finding hope and power in music, faith, and your dog. It’s awesome to hear that you’re an early fan of Blink and I’m glad that these songs are meaningful to you.

I’m wishing you all the best in this upcoming chapter and hope things start to feel better.


From Alisha: I’m touched by your sharing of your experiences and emotions. It sounds like you have been through an incredibly hard time and I admire your strength and resilience. I know losing your best friend and other friends must have been hard for you friendship breakups always suck, so many close people like your boyfriend just leaving your life must feel horrible. I’m glad to hear you found music as a way to cope and get you through this difficult time it’s clear that Blink-182’s music, as well as other artists, holds a special place in your heart, serving as a source of inspiration and comfort. I hope that your love for music continues to be a guiding light for you during difficult times. As for your situation with your ex, it’s understandable that you miss him and hope for reconnection. Music has a unique way of bringing people together and sparking memories. If Blink-182’s music has a special significance for both of you, it might be a way to reconnect on a shared level. While I can’t directly influence your ex’s actions, I encourage you to express your feelings openly and honestly when the time is right. Communication is key in any relationship, and sharing your emotions can sometimes lead to understanding and healing. Remember closing one chapter leads to a new chapter.

@@HeartSupport thank you for your words, for all of y’all’s words. I def will continue staying true to who I am and take it one day at a time w good tunes and hurt smiles in tow. This to shall pass, for the record I’m a dude hahaha but I hear yall and I appreciate the compassion and time yall all took to share talks beautiful words that I never hear. I left out all the darkness that I’m going through physically and emotionally just shared that I didn’t have those ppl I loved love me back but I don’t take galls words for granted. My
names Andrew Sanchez-Soul (34) from Midland Tx(west Tx) a punk rockemo kid skater/car drifter w a big heart and I love yall for being yall.