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Belongs to: Feeling like you re going through struggles alone
Thank you so much I needed to hear that,I am a broken monster.
This is a topic from INSTAGRAM. Reply as normal, and we will post it to the user on Instagram.
Belongs to: Feeling like you re going through struggles alone
Thank you so much I needed to hear that,I am a broken monster.
Hey friend,
It’s certainly hard to feel like a broken monster, and I’m personally very thankful that you’ve chosen to express this here. Oftentimes, when we feel like this, we’d rather hide and let the feelings of shame overtake everything else, even the possibility to connect with others. But that’s ont what you’ve done here - on the contrary. You’ve commented and shared about feelings that many of us can relate, and just by doing so, you are using a beautiful strength of yours, which is your vulnerability.
It is very painful to feel like something in you would be utterly broken and should remain hidden. That somehow, you would not fit nor belong in this world not because of what you would do, but because of the person you would be. Hard to feel like a part of you creaves for seeing the beauty in you, while feeling as if there’s another part of your mind that keeps on filtering the way you see yourself through this very dark lens. For what it’s worth, those feelings you describe are relatable to me. Having known my share of traumas in life, it’s hard some days to not feel as if the impact it had on me would be me. That my whole identity would be revolving around my brokenness. Therefore, that I don’t belong and never will.
Through all of this, there is hope my friend. The way we see ourselves speaks about our story and our pain, but it doesn’t necessarily say any truth about our real identity. How we FEEL makes sense, but the conclusions it makes us are not always worth being believed, especially when it hurts us, when it doesn’t serve us in the long run. You are not a monster, friend. It might feel like this - and there are reasons for feeling that way, but those reasons don’t reside in your heart and soul. For you are so much more beautiful and bright than you might see right now. I see it. I see you.