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Thanks for this @telletwa My support system has been absent, as of late. Any little bit helps. Thank you. See you in San Diego.


Hard to feel like they’ve been absent - it can feel so lonely to face hardship and go to reach out and then remember - they’re not really there anymore. Then you’re faced to carry those feelings and situations alone, on top of the feeling of sadness and loneliness that the hole of your friendships left behind. Feeling forgotten or abandoned is such a depressing thing - it grinds into insecurities and wounds we have from our past, and to have those kinds of reminders of our fears come to life…and then to not have anyone to share that with…it’s a hard loop. Sorry you’re feeling their absence, friend.


@heartsupportwall :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

I’m sorry to hear your support system has been MIA right now. I totally understand how that feels.

However, you’re free to use the wall as a support system anytime, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. We also have a discord server you can use. Just search heartsupport on google and you’ll find both the website with the forum and the discord server.

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From: twixremix

hey friend, sending you a ton of comfort and love. i’m so sorry your support system has been absent as of late but i hope this reply can serve as a reminder that you matter and bring so much value to this world we share. hope you enjoy the san diego show! love, twix


it can be really hard when your support system isn’t available, you’re not alone. I hope this community can make you feel welcome and you feel free to share whenever you need some support

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From: Mamadien

It’s really hard when your support system goes silent on you. Know that there is a whole community here who will listen, support and walk with you through the hard times and the good times. You are seen and we would love to get to know you at Heart Support, on the web site, discord or twitch stream.

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I’m sorry your support system has been absent. That’s hard to deal with. The Heart Support community is a great support system for me, so I invite you to check out the website. You’ll find links to our Support Forum, Twitch channel and our Discord. I hope you’ll come check it out!

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From: Manni XP - Snow Edition

Thanks for sharing this! It can be really tough when the people on whom we lean aren’t around. Have you heard about the Support Wall?

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@heartsupportwall4 yes! Looking into it as we speak! :smiley:

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Hello there from cold, snowy PA. I’m sorry your support system isn’t there for you right now.
Are there other possible supports for you where you are? It might be time to reach out further than your current system.

Thanks for coming here. It’s a good reach. You are always welcome. Blessings for the rest of your day~