The feeling of not being able to drown your demons

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Belongs to: BMTH - Can You Feel My Heart - Therapist Reacts
The feeling of not being able to drown your demons is an all too feeling that I’ve always tried to describe to my counselors the first time I ever heard this and I told them to listen to the song they did they turned around and put me in the hospital I told them that I didn’t want to die but this song hit on every single level that I can feel when I’m in my dark depression and feeling like I want to end it when you have the idolization of suicide because a lot of things in life have not gone right or have not been fair for you you keep looking to find a way to make it easier but it never does so you just keep pushing and pushing


Totally relatable. I recorded a video of my reply to you because I have been in those spots too: Loom | Free Screen & Video Recording Software | Loom


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