The-loss-of-my-17-year-old-little-girl-dog-3-lbs-a - 2360

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The loss of my 17 year old little girl dog. 3 lbs and with me 24-7. I’m a homeless, 59 yr old woman and without her I’m lost. Not caring about anything anymore, quit counseling, 100% sure I’ll never have a home of my own anymore. I feel like I’m the only one who can’t get a life. Not even wanting to try anymore. I’ve done everything counseling and housing requires but I watch others get help with no effort. I don’t have any real friends and family only NEEDS me. Not WANT me. I’m emotionally drained and I am so alone without my little dog.


I’m sorry you lost your full-time four-legged companion. It’s especially difficult to lose and unconditionally accepting and loving being. Was the dog a rescue?

After such a loss, I can understand not caring about anything. I hope that changes for you.

Please don’t underestimate yourself. You have gained a great deal of wisdom and empathy. You may be in a position to be very supportive of others in circumstances similar to yours. Often, it’s more important to be a good listener, just so others feel a sense of connection and of being heard.

Regarding housing and counseling, persistence is necessary, even when it appears that others are being given priority. Counselors come and go and change with experience. Perhaps meeting with a different counselor will lead to a different outcome. Consider also, a counselor may not put a great deal of time and effort into helping someone until they know that person will keep coming back.

I understand that, especially now. It’s okay to give yourself a break and take the time needed to recharge your batteries. Consider however, if you give up, what will you do with your time?

Again, I’m sorry for the loss of your little dog. I just wish that more humans were willing to have such an open heart.


My heartfelt apologies for the loss of your dooger; though the love that little gift feels for you will always bloom within life’s undeniable ticks of eternal love.

In terms of a home, have you initiated interactions with any homeless services that could help you through the roads to back into a roof over your head? Like this area in Knoxville, TN called "We seek to rescue the poor and needy of the Knox area by providing recovery services in Jesus’ name.

Since 1960, KARM’s volunteers, donors and staff have answered the call to restore lives in Jesus’ name. We pursue this mission using the same ministry formula Jesus used: RESCUE + RELATIONSHIPS = RESTORATION".

“…all while helping them move toward sustainable independence.”.

Once help has been upticked through such a service, a new dog could be welcomed to integrate into your steps again. Another heart of love awaits to have anyone care for them, want them, and welcome them within their existence.

Always understand that your life is important. Your life plants a heartbeat of goodness and goodwill. That 17-year-old dog was thankful for your life.

Thank you for your roads.

God Bless,

John German