The-loss-of-my-marriage-still-hurts-4-5-years-late - 2589

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The loss of my marriage still hurts, 4-5 years later. Lost my cousin in January at only 26.


I’m sorry. If I lost my wife, I don’t think I would ever stop feeling it. Sorry about your cousin too.

One of my best friends is going through the same thing on the same timeframe, and walking through him on that journey, I’ve seen him have to navigate so many layers of grief. Seeing his wife have another life, have disinterest towards him, parent their kid without him, find a new relationship without him, go on trips without him - each new layer feels like grieving all over again. It’s like the process is continual, like an onion that just has so many fucking painful layers. I’m hoping with him and with you that there is a core to this where you can finally throw away all of the pain and be done with the layers and find new wind, new hope, fresh start.

@heartsupportwall4 Thank you for this message. Though I do not wish for others to go through the same, it helps me a bit to know that others are going through the, almost, exact same thing. And they still keep going.