The people who made me

I was having a conversation with a friend who told me some of her idols in life, people who, in her own words, made her who she is today. It of course prompted me to ask the same question from myself - who made me?

And the more I think, there more I realize that I was not shaped by good people. I was shaped by trauma. I learned unconditional love, patience and compassion because I was never shown them. I was punched in the gut by the fact that I was not enough for the people around me - not pretty enough, not smart enough, not charismatic enough. Not good enough. And what made me who I am today was realizing that I never want to make another person feel the way I did. I never want anyone around me doubt that they’re not worthy of love. And I decided to make sure to do my everything to show that to people. That no matter who you are and where you’re coming from, you’re good enough for me.

I was shaped by those who hurt me. Who hated me. And as much as I hate to admit it, they did a great job - I’m fucking amazing. 🤷


Omg I’m reading this as if I wrote it myself…I feel this on a personal level keep your head up

-ebony :upside_down_face:

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Sarita, I think you make a really good point.

But i also think that we are constantly being shaped and molded by our lives - and that includes the good people you surround yourself with now.

We love you


Hey friend,

So good. I love that. I grew up with a good deal of trauma and addiction in my teenage years and, by the grace of God, I was brought out of my pit by Jesus and I have never felt more alive. I don’t mean to get sound super holy, but my faith saved me. I have scars and a good deal of trauma, and I’m better for it.

Hold fast friend!

Sam S.

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