The time itself that was lost can really mess with

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Belongs to: Therapist and Vocalist Analyze In The End By Linkin Park
The time itself that was lost can really mess with one’s mind. I spent 13 years in a career that I loved but could no longer do. I lost a lot along the way to get there, and in the end that was all I had, and I lost that as well. I’m in my 40s and starting from scratch. I’ll never get that time back.

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Thank you so much for reaching out and sharing your experience. I’m sorry you are feeling lost and that your time has been wasted. New beginnings and unknowns can definitely be scary. I can totally relate as I spent almost 20 years in a career and I’m now starting over. Sometimes it can feel overwhelming and I worry about the future and my capabilities. But then other times I am able to think of this as a brand new chapter where each day is a blank page that I get to choose what I write. Lessons from my past turn up that help me in surprising ways. As we get older we are wiser from all of our struggles. While it’s true we can’t get time back, we can try to move forward and make each subsequent day better. I truly believe that there is a purpose and plan for this phase of your life and I’m cheering you on! One day at a time, looking forward , you’ve got this!!


That feeling of lost/wasted time can feel so defeating and really take the wind out of your sails of ambition in life, but please don’t feel too discouraged friend! Although life’s circumstances and situations can be unpredictable, you can still decide every day to give 100% of your time, energy, and effort to accomplishing your goals!
I hope this doesn’t come across as too cliché, but despite the fact that you lost this career that you loved the time itself was not wasted. Undoubtedly you had memorable experiences, learned valuable skills, and grew and developed as an individual. There are few better feelings in life than persevering and overcoming life’s obstacles–hoping and praying for your success and strength to push through this!


The passing of time can really get to your head. Sometimes it feels so surreal when you look up and years and years have gone by. Spending 13 years sacrificing for a career that you now can’t continue in would be so disappointing. Although you may not be able to get the time back, there is so much life ahead of you to explore other passions and interests. None of that time was wasted even though it feels like that effort amounted to nothing. If someone climbs a mountain and then falls off the top it doesnt take away the journey and all you gained along the way. You are so strong for choosing to start over and keep going even after these challenges and show so much strength!


It’s such a brutal transition and life challenge that you are facing. To be between two different seasons, one behind you that you’ve known so very well and learned to be familiar with… and another in front of you that must feel at times like a terrifying blank page to write on. It’s never too late to reinvent ourselves, but when it’s not out of a personal choice or aspiration, it’s harder to accept and embrace the transition towards something new.

I hope that, in the midst of this very significant turning point of your life, you will offer yourself as much time and space as you need to grieve and process what you had to leave. Maybe also to acknowledge all the good you’ve done, and all the good you’ve received along the way. The environment and ways to embrace work may be different moving forward, but you are the same person evolving, growing, chancing, learning. These 13 years will keep transporting you, even if it has to be in a different way. :heart: