This topic represents a post from INSTAGRAM that was created by HeartSupport where users are invited to open up about their mental health struggles.
- You can’t reply on this post. Replies posted here are from users who commented on INSTAGRAM.
- When a user from INSTAGRAM is in need of support, topics are created for them in this forum category, where you can encourage them.
The veteran experience is intense, and sometimes that intensity makes civilians unsure of how to offer support. But intensity should spark reverence, not distance. Beneath the layers of our experiences are shared emotions we can all relate to. Let’s take the time to understand, connect, and honor those who have served.
Thank you to all veterans and active-duty military. We are forever grateful for your service.
Open up in the comments by tagging @heartsupport and we will support you.
#fivefingerdeathpunch #wrongsideofheaven #healthescene