The way you interpreted this song is fascinating a

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Belongs to: Therapist Spits It Out - Slipknot
The way you interpreted this song is fascinating and your example hits really close to home.
A question comes to mind because i dealt with something similar recently.

My way of going through that situation was distancing myself and working through it by myself, by talking to friends and family, eventually i managed to deal with it myself and learned to let that anger from the past go.
accepting that this person is trying to do better now and is genuinely trying to be part of my life in a positive way.
but i am such a conflict shy person, that i never involved the other person in that conversation or set any boundaries. because i know this would have lead to a conflict, because there was so much built up anger and frustration in me back then

Im just glad that this person was not forcing themselves into my life nor did they make me feel bad for not stepping towards them on my own.

Is it bad not to involve them in this process and not talk it out?
Im sure they know what’s going on, they are not stupid.

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Hi Friend, Thank you for posting.
I applaud you for recognising the problem with this person, recognising the problem that you have with conflict and managing to find a way to deal with the situation without any trouble. That is no mean feat.
I think the only time it matters to talk to the other person is if they cross the boundaries you have set for yourself, you can them let them know that those boundaries do indeed exist and you would like them to be respected with no offence meant. There is no reason that can’t happen however if it cant then you can perhaps think again on what the future holds for your friendship.
Hopefully it wont come to that, Well done for putting your mental health first. Good luck. Lisa. x

@@HeartSupport thank you for that :hugs: