Therapist analyzes Su!cIde by Ren

You just can’t not cry at this❤

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Genuine empathy and understanding is by far the most powerful thing anyone can give for someone in pain. Everyones pain is individual, but with what Ren has been through, Ren understands pain. In a way he speaks to me through his music and in turn I wholeheartedly understand and empathise with him. You can’t help but love Ren for the beautiful human he is and the gifts he keeps giving us through his music.

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I think you as a therapist really need to React to 2 songs from the same band. The band is called Badflower. The 2 songs that you need to react to are Ghost and Family. Ghost is about suicide and it is HEAVY. Really great song. Super heavy content. The second is Family. It as well is super super heavy content. The singer from this band went through some very serious mental health issues and his songs are written about these experiences. So when you hear the lyrics you can directly relate them to things he has experienced on a personal level. Great channel. Love what therapists do for people. Big shout out to my therapist Elliot. Without him I couldn’t say how my life would be right now. Keep up the good content.

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Ren is on another level. How to be me. Is incredible as well. Not the best tune to listen too when your suffering. When no one would miss you like this

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What it felt like to look down and see tranquility

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Wow, I had to take about 20 deep breaths to bring myself back after watching/listening to this. I first heard Ren about a month ago, “Hi Ren” was the first song that I heard and coming from someone who loves to listen to music that genuinely makes me feel strong emotions, (I have a playlist for every mood) I have never had a song make me feel the way “Hi Ren” did. Ren is one of the most powerful, realistic, and ingenious artists ever and will be.
Today, watching this video was the first time I listened to this song and I felt every word, every guitar string, every piano key move through my whole body. then you have Taylor giving her story and explaining everything she was feeling and what the song means to her. I felt her words as much as I felt Ren’s words. I lost my dad to this 19yrs ago, I was 25, and 13 months before that I lost one of my best friends I had known since high school, she was also my soul mate but our timing wasn’t right, she was with someone who was physically abusive, I moved out of state my senior year to get away from my physically, emotionally abusive alcoholic father. I haven’t taken the ACES test but if I did I’d score about a 7, hell it could be higher, I wouldn’t be surprised if I have some stuff blocked away, I do know my parents have never been incarcerated, so yeah. Starting with my soul passing 20yrs ago and then my fathers, I don’t think a day has gone by where I didn’t think to myself if I had stayed then they’d still be here, and since they’re not why am I. Then I remember, oh yeah my mom, it would hurt my mom too much, so I continue on, for now, @heartsupport The only reason I opened up like this was because of Taylor, Since I watched this two hours ago I’ve watched 3 more of her reacting to REN videos. No Therapist has ever made me feel the way she made me feel. Heard and Understood.

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i miss my friend :pensive: hope you’re fine bro up there

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I have lost too many friends to su!c!de. Two were brothers and had no siblings so their mom, a good friend of me and my family lost both of them and they were the only children she had. Heartbreaking.

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I did struggle w/ suicidal thoughts for my life between 16-30.
At some point the ideas and thoughts regressed. The key for me was accepting that Im different.
Also at 23, I had to evacuate from Hurricane Katrina.
It helped whipe the slate clean, but didn’t improve my Fight or Flight reactions.
With this song, it helps, but it also bubbles up more more trauma , that I stuffed away.

I am male who grew up in the 80’s and it’s OK to be vulnerable. :heart:

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Thank you for having the courage to do this reaction. This must have been difficult because of your friend and your own experience. You’re very strong and a inspiration for a lot of people

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beautiful but painful. My nephew commited suicide one year ago. He was 24 years old and left his little daughter and us. We miss him…

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ren has another song which is dedicated for his friend joe who commited suicide. think it got realesed over a decade ago and still at that time a very good singer and songwriter. u should give it a listen, but please if these songs are tough to get trough dont do any reacts to it if u are not comfortable with it. song: Ren - For Joe

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It is a gift. Ren is breaking all the rules about what music is in 2024. I’d love to watch you watch his 1M subscribers video. It will confirm that he is everything that you hope he js. His real suffering has created a human with so much empathy, wisdom, and understanding. :black_heart:

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“It’s why I became a therapist” I gave up my 20s to help one of my sisters to raise our OTHER sisters kids. Other sister was a crank addict and I moved to help my sister that addopted
raise them!.. Yearts went by and bad sister managed to SOMEHOW get custody of one of the kids, Stetson… Long story short, A couple years after, Stetson was found *** SORRY FOLKS *** Hanging from a tree… I am now in the works to help people like Stetson! To get a cert to be able to help kiddos torn by abuse and to give them some coping skills!

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Rebs a musical genius of our time

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Diazepam is a phenomenal Ren song. Up there with suicide…

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I absolutely love the way he did this song. He put an AI visual to this topic and left it kinda upbeat to make the subject easier to listen to, more digestible and not as scary. Then he goes into the really heavy stuff that tears you to shreds.

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This song just ripped the scabs off of an old wound. The last time I talked to my friend Bugsy we had a debate over the song Turn the Page because I was listening to the Metallica version. His cousin knocked on my door a week after Christmas to tell me Bugsy overdosed on vodka and pain killers. I still miss him.

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Very deep subject,facts.Sorry you went through that Taylor❤‍🩹.It is very sad when people go through this,that they couldnt reach out to someone who may have cared.Also those left behind to wonder why they didnt see the signs,could have done something to help,also very sad.

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as someone with depression myself this hits different…i think about “doing it” every day, how and when i would do it and so on…but so far i keep pushing through…
music like that helps a lot

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