Therapist Becomes Unsainted by Slipknot

Everything Tool is amazing…
Manerd is a god!!
All three bands

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You should check out the enmeshment themes in Forrest by SOAD

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Woaw. Unsented av slipnot ännu en sinnessjukt bra låt. Galet snygg video.

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Jag måste lyssna på albumet Iowa. Den mörkaste av alla enligt utsago???

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Ju mer jag lyssnar på slipknot ju mer upptäcker jag vilka genier slipknot är.

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Dina reaktions videos gillar jag rejält.

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Var världen sitter du.
Är USA???. Du har så ren engelska.

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Jag älskar trummorna och gitarristen!!!.
Fatta att dra på detta i bra bilstereo jösses Amalia.

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Fy faan vad jag håller med dig. Att försök tinga något på någon annan. Stor risk för brutala bakslag.
Lyssna mer än du pratar alla människor har en mun och 2 öron. Och detta av en anledning. Men samtidigt så bör alla tänk själv. Och återigen varför har alla så jävla bråttom över allt???.

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I always had a problem with religion growing up, and could never figure out why so I just held a hatred for it my whole life. This ended up causing a rift with some of my family members, I never let them know I wasn’t religious, but I definitely didn’t feel as close with them as I could have. I found this video through my dad, who i have had many discussions about belief and religion with while we believed different things. Many insightful conversations came of this, but i never had a conclusion about my hatred towards organized religion (mainly one, but i shall keep it unamed). Today he told me that I should react to this video and give him my thoughts and feelings on it and I wrote a whole page worth of notes that I’m going to be sending to him, but basically this video actually really helped me come to some conclusions about a lot of things in my life, specifically the reason I was so against religion is actually because it’s just wasn’t my thing, it wasn’t the thing that I related to or that helped me, in fact it’s a form of spiritualism that I find most helpful and most of the people in my life don’t believe in any of what I believe in. But, to me it makes life just that much more worthwhile and that’s the beauty and being a human everyone believes different things, everyone understands life a little bit differently, everyone thinks different things and that’s just a beauty that we have and get to communicate and it’s a wonderful thing to realize. Thank you for this video it’s great :slight_smile:

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I love this song because it perfectly illustrates how my parents pushed very hard for me to become a christian even though i wanted nothing to do with any religion
It reached a breaking point where anger, frustration and warnings of self-defence put an end to the machinations, at that point i had already decided to completely burn anything that was not me and make sure that anything i do would be my own self making its own path into my own future

Corey also had very similar issues in his youth

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I have a person that left her Husband after over 10 years for a worse person. No matter what I say to her, Im the Stone, she empty´s her anger against. Its so silly in my opinion

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I took it as ideology not just religion, religion just packs more of a punch in expressing things.

Maybe is talking to himself at the same time. I think that it’s more about guiltiness

musig 4 dead

I don’t like this album but holding on to letting go? Thank you for what you do. My sister is a therapist and you saying forcing therapy makes them resist. That’s all it did to me she thinks antidepressants are the way to go. I don’t want them and that’s why I love this channel. Not forcing things. You say things our brain needs but you allow us time to understand what we need

Do spit it out by slipknot. Love your reactions so far.

You can interpret music in any way you choose ( that’s what makes music great) but Corey wrote this song about his ex. wife.

I have always loved Slipknot but yet this song is right. The song portraid me in the Marine Corps, medically discharged in the break down phase, 3 years later a car wreck that was not my fault, had 3rd degree burns on both legs. My father made me finish that semester of college. Morning, noon, and night in a bath tub full of blood and pain. Two weeks before surgury no pain pills. SLIPKNOT was my pain killer and still is… Possibly more to come but not yet comfortable to tell more!!!

I just stumbled upon this channel and I really think you should react to some Lamb of God songs, like “king me”, “Memento mori” or “512”