Therapist is hip to be scared

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Therapist analyzes the lyrics to Hip To Be Scared by Ice Nine Kills to discuss how believing we are unredeemable gives us a false sense of freedom that corrupts our ability for accountability. The song is a warning of what happens when we do believe we are irredeemable, and what occurs when we are not accountable. The cost of freedom from accountability is a lack of healing from pain.


American Pyscho! Love it!

To this day i can still remember this part word for word haha

Not seen American Psycho then? :joy: Such an amazing film, and one I’m sure you’d love to pull apart for the channel…

Best shit ever…

Heres my business card… its even watermarked

Bro went: /gamemode @s Till_Lindemann_Ich_Hasse_Kinder

(Taylor, that’s another song you should react to if you haven’t already): Ich Hasse Kinder, Till Lidemann

I was waiting for this…