Therapist Reacts to Daddy By Korn

“WHAT IT IS” by Jonathan Davis. It might be the culmination of his works. When he realizes what is worth what in life. "Either a son of a bitch, or a terrified kid. It is what it is.

Jhonatan is the goat… Just is

I was 8 when I was molested by a man and his two then teenage sons from my neighborhood. That lasted for a year almost and then thankfully they moved and left. Next year I developed psoriasis and I still battle autoimmune’s. I never told anyone and certainly not my mom because I knew she wouldn’t believe me (she was also physically and emotionally abusive to me but that’s a whole other issue). She died in March 2023 not knowing (no one knows except my husband hello trust issues!) and for me it’s better. That song was my catharsis too. When I hear it I hear my self screaming the lyrics in my head. I was just a child already alone with no one beside me I am blameless.

Tengo escalofrios y sudo cada que escucho esa cancion

You might be interested in Nirvana - Rape Me.

It was ridiculous that so many people did not get Kurt Cobain’s sarcasm.

He made that song as a FU to the rapists in society and even within his own fanbase…a female fan got SAed after she attended of Nirvana’s concert…and Kurt was pissed off that such maggots listened to his songs…hence the birth of Rape Me…but of course the media and feminazis misconstrued his song and lyrics😢

Their is a reason why they all cries the very rare time they perform it.

react to dancing with the devil by immortal technique

the way I just wanted to turn back time and protect that boy… this broke something in me.

I’m original Jonathan Crying at end (i read a little about IT) its make me so sad :sob:

I usually check reactions to this song but I wanted to reply to this one. I experienced . . . .when I was four and five and when I told my grandmother about it I got hit on the head. So I never talked about it again until years later. Like you said in your reaction, it plays like a loop over and over again. I guess because I was quiet I got …by a different person who wasn’t a family member and same thing when I told. This was all in the 80s and honestly groups of fellow survivors on the internet helped me. Went into therapy and did all that fun . . .I am a metalhead but my friends online who knew told me to never listen to this song until I was mentally ready. My advice to any youngsters or anyone really. . .if someone is hurting you. . . .KEEP TELLING. ANYONE! I wish I had. . .I lived with it for so long. . .became an alcoholic. You didn’t do anything wrong and it’s not your fault.

Thank you for openly talking about Rape and not sugar coating it. Music is sucha powerful expression. Metal gets a bad rap for being meaningless but in this violant scenario it fits.

this song makes me cry every time

You should also listen to “kill you” it’s another emotional song by korn talking about his step mom. It’s a very dark song that I feel explicits the same emotions as this song

U seriously listened to this why john actually went thru it as i did

This song is so hard to listen to because im listening to the lyrics tearing up at the pure pain coming through the words but then also vibing to how hard that instrumental goes. Really messes with the head and emotions this one…

But, society continues to tell us to stop pointing the finger at others and to take responsibility for what happened to us. The erroneous part of that is, we are NOT to blame nor responsible for what happened to us as children. We are only responsible for how we move forward from here and that does NOT negate the fact that the blame and responsibility STILL lies with the perpetrator.

I am so sick, also, of the push toward forgiveness, being told forgiveness isn’t for the perp, it’s for us. Another load of crap perpetuated by those who want off the hook for the harm they’ve done. Forgiveness is something that is requested by a remorseful person FIRST and then bestowed or denied by the person harmed. To continue to foster the idea of forgiveness BEFORE the remorseful request of it only ensures that remorseful request will never come. This is an injustice to the one harmed.

There is a HUGE difference between moving on and forgiving. And, moving on does NOT require forgiveness. The lie of the concept of being “the bigger person” is yet another trick being pushed onto our psyches. This is a play to the adult ego and does NOTHING to heal the inner child, who NEEDS justice, not another adult (oneself) telling them that what happened can be shrugged off. It’s bad enough the adults in the environment at the time refused to believe and failed to protect. Now, we as adults are going to betray that child, too, by forgiving the monster without it repenting?

Let our adult ego tell this child we will protect them; but, do NOT tell that child you are letting the monster off the hook by forgiving what they did without the monster’s remorse. If people wish to apply Christian forgiveness to child abuse, then leave the forgiveness part up to God for unremorseful perpetrators on their day of judgment.

A lot of people that hear this don’t hear or realize that it’s his sister singing to him and there to comfort him during the end of the song when the instruments stop and he’s crying. Powerful on an indescribable level

I relate to this so so so much.

It took me years to listen to this because I heard of warnings, when I did, not long after, something in me remembered something happening to me. Been so long, I can’t figure all details but I know deep something happened when I was 4, I cried from deep pain.

The part when he started to break down he told his band mates not to stop playing but it’s all real