Therapist Reacts to Forty Six and 2 by Tool

Maynard is a therapist for all of us! We just want to see the how much money we can save.

You just got a glimpse of tool should see them live it’s amazing

We have 46 chromosomes now. The evolution is 2 more.

Now… You are really getting this. :black_heart: I like your first vids to your into to TOOL when you were not aware. This one song is where I really felt I was personally transformed. Seeing this song live will have the experience of this base line flow through you. The drama of this song is literally off the chart. The level of volume is very important to bring the songs experience into full circle. I know trying to get the vocals in may require a lesser volume, but after, let it go. And also, I definitely feel you are getting the full effect of Danny Carey in this song. Also recognize how tight the band is.
Your request… Fear is the biggest shadow to step through. I had the pleasure of travel while I was in the military early in my life. Seeing different cultures opened my eyes to being much more open minded after that experience. I actually feel sorry for those who can’t get past their own cultures and respect others. If that could happen we’d have such a better country, and the results of that would be approaching 46&2 I believe.

I’ve seen a few reactions to TOOL by you, would love to see your views on Wings for Marie pt 2

This is odd…

Let’s not ever make that face again yeah

Chill bro it’s just music

Marilyn Manson…

Do you play the bass? You have a killer bass face!

ive loved this song for decades, but just finally heard the lyrics

No. Jung never sought to ‘shed the skin’. The shedding of the skin speaks to the disintegration of the lines between conscious and subconscious. There is no ‘throwing out’ the unconscious. There is only INTEGRATING it. If the shadow is not integrated, you have succumbed to the ego.

I’m turning 46 and have 2 Sons I haven’t seen for 5 years!

I am my shadow picking scabs that bleed light out the other side

Was wondering if shed pick up on all the Tool Jungian references

This is one of my favorite TOOL songs.

do push it salival version there is so much to it that you would be killing it i would like to see what you think cause you are spot on with this

tool is very transpersonal and jungian in their approach to working through their problems and making us do the same in our own way. edit i wrote this before you mentioned Jung!

I likened this song to my personal spiritual journey. Finding Jesus Christ. Picking scabs, crawling through. To me, it was never giving up, always seeking the truth.

WOW i knew tool were deeply complex but has it come to that!!! getting a therapist to work through tools psychy…:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: by the way maynard is a genius and tool are the prog rock heavyweight champions of the world just brilliant and now you know that miss therapist…