Therapist Reacts to Rammstein's Deutschland

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Deutschland by Rammstein paints the perfect picture of how two seemingly opposing things can both be true at the same time. The lyrics translate to “One can love you and want to hate you.” As humans, we have a tendancy to deny or hide our past OR be completely buried by it.

This song is a powerful reminder that true healing comes when we can hold BOTH that we have messed up in the past AND that we are working for a better future.

This technique is a main tenant of Dialectical Behavior Therapy and is a great skill to use to both accept where you are currently and work toward change simultaneously.

Can you relate to this struggle? Share in the comments by tagging @heartsupport and we’ll respond with encouragement!


Not just germany but greed and power isnt pretty

Yet their country lacks freedom and can never be as great as the free republic of America. Good job softening the sheeple that watch you lady. :joy:

only re-guarded people believe chewish lies about the Hallow-Hoax

If Germany is really owning up to their mistakes and crimes, they would pay reparations, to the nations that were victims of Holokaust and German occupation.

Exactly. Great way of dealing with the past. More countries should deal with this! Just imagine the power of for instance an American or Israeli music video where the same critical thinking is portrait 🫶🏻

It is sad to see this graphical acted things, imagine now the horrible way on the true world. The suffering that Jewish people went through . It was so much worse than it shows on movies and videos. So much worse. I commend Mel Gibson’s Passion of Christ for showing the truth about the suffering that Jesus were really put through in order to save us. This is just but a taste of reality. Germany won the respect of the people for owning up their mistakes. It takes a real Christian example to do this, and Germany did what a real follower of God would’ve had done or need to do, cause sometimes Christian’s forget how Christ showed us to live a decent and moral life.

Try Ozzy Diary of a madman please !

I loved this song until I saw the prisoners being hung.

The video for this song is amazing . It’s probably the best music video I’ve ever seen.

The video for this song is amazing . It’s probably the best music video I’ve ever seen.

The thing with this song is that they want to love Germany but they can’t because of its history. They want to be proud of who they are and where they came from but history is what provents them from doing that because it will make them look like they support what it’s past leader did

PPL just ignore or forgot, not only germans, but the most countries envolved in WW or WWII did atrocious things, the difference between they is, who won and who lost. Only.