There was a girl i met on twitter in 2014 and we b

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Belongs to: Have you ever been ghosted share in the comments b
There was a girl I met on Twitter in 2014 and we became best friends until summer of 2020 when she told me that she had a crush on me and was willing to start a LDR. We made it official and then when I started messaging her, she ghosted me. A few weeks later, I found out that she was dating someone else… I was devastated. It caused me to doubt myself and my mental health took a toll. Since then, I would just doubt myself if I was ever going to get a girlfridn


That event was caused by a flaw in the person who chose to hurt your feelings and date someone knew after ghosting you. It’s okay to feel any feelings you are feeling, but to fault yourself for it. I would say the fault is in the other person. Not in you.

Wow, friend, I’m so sorry that you’ve had to experience such painful heartbreak. It is so brutal to develop a long-term relationship/friendship with someone, then to be seemingly both ready to move to a next step, only to realize afterwards that it’s all gone suddenly. The hopes it creates, the renewed perspective, the sense of starting a new chapter - and having it all taken away from you. How brutal. It makes complete sense to still reflect on such a painful experience, and to wonder how to trust others with yourself again. You have poured yourself, your heart, into this relationship, and you had to suddenly stop it. Now, it feels safer to not expect anything anymore - and to start doubting is a narrative that has its own purpose in the midst of healing from what happened. It’s a way to make sense of something that seemed completely meaningless and unfair. In the midst of injustice like this, our mind tries as much as possible to identify reasons that will help us learn and move forward. But these reasons can be misdirected. In your situation, it was absolutely not your fault and what happened is not saying anything about your worth, or how lovable you are. She walked on a different path, had different feelings, but that is not something you induced or could have controlled in the first place. It is part of decisions and choices she made - which is her responsibility, not yours. Putting the blame on you can feel strangely comforting at times, but you definitely don’t deserve to be stuck in this head space. Your pain, your hurt - it all deserves to be felt and hurt, although never at your own expense, my friend. You have worth and value in this world, and I hope that, one day, you will find your special person who will see you as you are, love you and respect you as well. :heart: