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Belongs to: Therapist Cry's While Listening to Wings of Maria Pt 1 and 2 by Tool
These two song motor my life. I watched my beloved father die of cancer. One thanksgivving I took him to the hospital then we buried him the day before Christmas. He trusted his. God and he died anyway. And at his funeral. His so called minister friends said if he was a man of God he wouldn’t have died like he did.
I died that day
If god exists. He’s a complete asshole.
Yes I’m angry.
Very angry that a saint like my dad died like that.
Then his sister died of brain cancer.
My aunt who helped me deal with all this shit. Then I get diagnosed with brain cancer just like her. She died but she told me I was her favorite. And to hold on. I’ve been trying But it’s so hard to do without her
Now my mom has cancer and had her eye taken out today. This like sucks. I want to rage. But then I remembered these songs. Yes I’m crying non stop. As I remember my dad my aunt and my mom. But I’m fighting. Fuck I’m going to fight
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Hi @HeartSupport_Fans
First, I’m sorry you’re suffering and that alot of your family members and you are going through alot of medical conditions that don’t seem at times good. That you’re also having to go through that same fight just to let you know that god has so much more for his followers in heaven. It may feel like it being stripped away and that there is no way out of this feeling. But the music does help us relieve these problems and our emotions about what going on. So the goal for you is to keep fighting the best you can in life and “God” is not the cause of your father cancer but the thing that helped him through the valleys where God gave him his peace where he won’t have to fight any longer. Hope what i said shred some light in the situation and just keep fighting through the struggle and heartsupport is here for you and your not alone.
Hold Fast.
I admire how you are still fighting this fight, to continue doing your best even with so much suffering and loss around you. Seeing what you’ve gone through, it makes sense to recognize how much life sucks. There are days where all you see is pain. It’s okay to be angry that this happened. It’s okay to still be grieving.
That is cruel of those minister friends to insinuate your father wasn’t a man of God, making a difficult time even harder. There’s no way that they would know for certain your father’s closeness to God, and they have no place to judge him on that.
Hold Fast. We Belive in You.
What you have gone through is beyond comprehensible. I truly wish you and your family positive vibes and good thoughts. I have no idea who you are—but I will tell you one thing. Your resilience and will power to keep fighting even with all of the obstacles you have gone through is truly inspirational. You might not know it—but I would safely assume that your comment has a lot of people rooting for you. Keep fighting and spiral out.
Thank you all. It’s hard but We will win