This band has been a staple in my life for 20 year

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Belongs to: All 27 Slipknot music videos say 1 thing…and it’s not what you expect
This band has been a staple in my life for 20 years now, and when I was in high school and listened it was to be cool and different, but now I’m in my mid 30s been single for years, having my son live 400 miles from me and working for a company that treats their employees terrible but can’t leave cuz the pay is good, this band helps get the anger and frustration out, while simultaneously bringing me to tears on more than one occasion because of the raw nerve it touches. I love this band and am so thankful that they exist because I know they’ve helped save me

Any position where the manager or other workers treats you awful just find a better work position to apply for

Hello friend,

100% agreed on Slipknot! I’ve been a fan since 1999 when they used to do small shows in the Chicago area, and i’ve gone to a bunch of shows all the way up to Knotfest 2021 and they’ve been amazing every single time. When you have so many members in the band, there’s a lot of experiences they have gone through that they can imcorporate, both personally like Corey’s mental health issues, and band wise like the death of Paul and Joey. Their music becomes a vessel for anyone that may be going through a wide range of issues. And with the reach and longevity they have, it only makes things better in the long run.

I did want to touch on the spot with your son too. Have you talked to him about his job and the options he has? Because working a good paying job is obviously great, but sometimes it may not be worth the anguish and the environment that management enables. Has he thought about looking for another job in his field? It might be worth at least exploring options and seeing what’s out there. You never know what you’d find! I left a dead end management job in retail to go into finance which I had never done before, and I haven’t been happier, and next month will be 7 years with the company. Sometimes you have to take your shot and see where it takes you. It might be worth talking to him about it.


Hi @HeartSupport_Fans,

Music does help us understand our emotion and reflect with the. I feel sorry for your son for working at a bad company. You should talk to your son and ask him a few question. Does this job treat with respect and pays you well? Do you enjoy your job at the company? Give him a couple of options. If you are going to quit a job, make sure to come up with a couple back up plans. Once your son finds a new job, he can just quit right away. I always recommend your son to be vocal and communicate with his new employees and boss. This might work or not depending on your boss. When I see a problem at the workplace, I immediately report to my boss. When you get along with employees and boss, they might raise your pay. Confidence is the key to be successful at your job. My employees wanted me to become a site coordinator & tutor lead due to tutoring for 6 years. I refused due to being new to this company. Before I worked at my current job, I told my manager to pay me more than $18. The manager understood my situation and gave me $20 dollar pay as tutor. Good luck with your son finding a new job that he enjoys. He isn’t alone because I used to be in that situation.

Just to clarify my son is 10 and lives with his mom, and he’s 100% fine and safe, it’s me with the shitty company. I like the job and my direct bosses it’s a shitty company and I have my family in the area so it helps, but ya this band scratches the itch for helping manage frustration