This dude is struggling i am close 57 and not sure

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Last Resort Reimagined by Falling In Reverse
This dude is struggling…I am close. 57, and not sure I can take it anymore. The pain is real. @heartsupport

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Sometimes we have to recognize the pain and our struggles to overcome them…

We definitely need to recognize that we suffer so we can change the direction of our pain. So we realized our pain is something we can build or even rebuild on. Definitely understand how struggle in life can be hard and how much challenges we can face with them. But we can overcome them even when things may seem hard and honesty you’re not alone through this all. You can make it through this and we believe you can get pass it

Take Care & Hold Fast.

This song has some powerful lyrics, and I feel like this reimagined version cuts even deeper than the original. That hopeless can be stunning and leave us reeling- not knowing what we can do or how to move forward. What is our last resort?

As that hopelessness approaches, one of our last resorts can be reaching out to others, which you’ve so bravely done here. In last resort, one of the lyrics is “which someone would tell me I’m fine”. There is so much power in opening up to someone and receiving help. We as humans were made to be social creatures who rely on each other and pick each other up in times of struggle- so don’t be afraid to rely on that! Just like you’ve done here, opening up about your mental health can open to a new realm of support you never expected to receive. The truth is, your life is worth it, and there are brighter days ahead that are worth you staying around for. Even though the pain may sit heavy some days- you don’t have to resort to ending it. You are wonderfully and uniquely made, and just that alone is worth staying around for. There is only one you and there will only ever be one you, so don’t cut short the impact that you can have on the world. Persevere and live each day rebelling against the pain, showing others that fighting against the hurt we all face is a worthwhile endeavor. Your life means so much, and I hope you continue to open up with other people. I know this pain gets better- I hope you stick around to experience the brighter days.