This-hit-me - 2398

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This hit me…=============

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Hey friend. Thank you for expressing how this piece of content resonates with you personally. Anger can be such an intense emotion to deal with, but also such a strong asset in many situations too. It is a valid emotion that we’re all meant to feel and express at times, although it can be hard to find the right balance for it… I’ve personally been completely numb to anger for a very long time, until I started to open what felt like a can of worms – a lot of repressed traumas, and a need to FEEL things that were intense. Anger has definitely part of it, and it’s been hard to see myself feeling an emotion that I have seen as being so damaging around me. There is something incredibly scary and isolating that comes with it. Although recognizing it can surely pave the road towards healthy ways to manage it over time.

If you would like to open up a little bit more about how this content resonates with you, I’d love to listen. If it feels significant and/or important to you, then it is certainly worth to be expressed - and this comment section is safe for it.

Please know that through any emotion that you may feel internally, or regardless of the ways you express it, you are loved and your inner life matters. You deserve peace.

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