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Belongs to: Therapist grieves with Slipknot - XIX

This is a topic from YOUTUBE. Reply as normal, and we will post it to the user on YouTube.

@HeartSupport i have now watched all of your Slipknot videos. and i have to say i love your incite, it has helped my further understand what Corey is saying and why they have help me since i started listing to them when i was 14. as some who is bi poler and has ptsd and adhd I’ve struggled my whole life with little to no support. im sorry but this is gong to be a long one lol. with that said i would like so see your perceptive on Shinedown’s monsters. because that song has been one of the few things that have keep me going after me and my wife first split last year and us going back and forth getting together half of that year and finely calling it quits shortly after the new year. and the cadlist for the brake up was that she wasn’t in love with me anymore and come to find out she was cheating on me with a guy from work . but back to my point about the song. to me its about are monsters that we have inside control us and when we cry out for help from a loved one or your partner and they just laugh in your face and make you feel like you are crazy for feeling this way and that your (monsters) struggles and feelings are not real. and thats how i feel about my relationship went with my wife when it came to my mental health. so at this point i feel lost and dont know were to go from here like i spent 6 years with this person and my self worth i feel has been thrown away #heartsupport