This is my favorite song everytime i hear it i cry

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Belongs to: Therapist drinks the Kool-Aid by Bring Me The Horizon
This is my favorite song everytime i hear it i cry of happy and start stimming one time i hopped off my bed in pure joy listening to this. And the song is about social pleasure. And why are you currently discribing me :fearful: oh and abt the thing at the end. My sister always hurts me and makes me want to kill myself she always makes me sad or feeling like i am worth nothing and i feel like theres no escape untill she turns 18 and moves out. And the older i get the worse it is. She is mean to me over even the smallest things, if i accidentally do something wrong she’ll hit me and yell at me even if i apologize profusely.


It is so incredibly wonderful this song brings you such joy! To find those things we can just let loose in enjoyment of is such a gift and I am so glad you have found that in this song!

Also! So glad you felt seen by the video describing you! Its like the whole point of HeartSupport to connect and support and love on people! :slight_smile:

I am so sorry to hear how your sister is abusing and mistreating you! Being hurt by someone in our own household can begin to feel hopeless because they live with us. I also struggled with my relationship with my older sister growing up. She would demean and criticize me constantly and occasionally hurt me. It feels so alone. I am so sorry you are experiencing that! No one should use their power to hurt another! It shows the depths of their pain that they have to take it out on someone smaller and weaker. Really, they are the weak person for treating you with such disrespect and unkindness.
When someone is nitpicking our every small action, it makes us feel like we have to walk on eggshells. Every family gathering, i would feel like any way i helped with the meal would be utterly torn apart. It seems like you also face such harsh judgment and criticism!
While being torn down in such a way, remember that you are beautiful exactly the way you are. When you make “mistakes” in her eyes they are more likely not mistakes at all but her projecting onto you and vying for control and power by trying to control you. The power game ends when you stop playing along. Don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself and tell you sister that when she treats you on X way, you feel demeaned and hurt. Maybe she’s not aware of what she’s doing and communicating it to her gives her a chance to change her actions. At the least, it gives you a voice and helps you express your needs and builds your self-respect. You deserve to be treated with respect. I hope your sister finds the healing she needs to stop projecting onto you and you find your voice! Blessings to you! <3

I’m so sorry friend that you’ve been dealing with this continuous hurt from your sister. No one should ever treat someone else by hitting them and humiliating them. You never - and never will - deserve such treatment. It must be heartbreaking to feel stuck at home when the environment just doesn’t feel safe. Like walking on eggshells - you dread the moment when something will trigger a bad reaction and when you’ll be hurt again. It’s hard to feel like being yourself when it seems that someone in your surroundings is always going to find a reason to hurt you. Hopefully you don’t have to wait too much before she leaves? For you only deserve to know love, care, and to feel safe where you live.

May music keep help and being an outlet - whether to escape or let emotions out as much as you need. We are rooting for you from here. :heart:

@@HeartSupport thank you for your kindness it’s greatly appreciated!

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