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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Save Me by Jelly Roll
this is song is me personified. as someone who struggles with sex(porn), drugs, alcohol addictions I can confirm that this is the truest explanation of the struggles I’ve faced since I was 10. im 29 now, and I don’t think this will ever stop and im not sure I even want it to. it gives me the only sense of peace ive ever known. it might be an escape from reality, but in a way I get to experience the emotions and feelings normal people do, just in a roundabout way. jelly roll tells a very simplistic tale about addiction, but the reality is much deeper and convoluted that it seems. pain is a cause, but so is fear, regret, resentment, anger, trauma, depression, and many other issues. in some cases especially in deep seated trauma based addiction, like my own, there will never be an escape for me. even if you deal with it, go to therapy, etc…, the trauma memories will always haunt you. trust me, I’ve tried and proven my prior statement correct many times over. no matter how many times I’ve forgiven myself, and those I’ve wronged forgiven me in turn, nothing helps. in the end, the only solace I find is in the bottle I drink from, the chemicals I swallow or snort, and the illicit material I consume. I’ve given up on myself because nothing works.