This is why i bond with ren so much i ve been ment

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Sick Boi Ren
This is why I bond with Ren so much. I’ve been mentally ill since 8yrs old and had no support. Once my horribly abuse mother made me go to a psychiatrist and they just screamed in my face and asked me why I was so naughty.(I was being SA’d) I was scared to tell anyone and also being abused by my mother. No one ever listens to children enough. I’m 38 and still have no support, even with all my diagnoses. People with mental health problems are put on the back burner so much and half the time, others that abused them are the cause of their ill health.


Hello! It sucks that you have never found any good support for what you are going through. I hope that you can find the support you need somehow in the future, I’m not sure if you have looked for any mental health professionals as an adult, but I think maybe if you found the right one for you, maybe it would go a bit better then the bad experience you had. Regardless though, I hope that you can find some ways to feel better, please feel free to share more if you ever want/need.

Hi friend,

Thank your vulnerability in sharing some of your story with us. I’m truly sorry that you have been struggling with mental health since such a young age and that you have been doing it alone for so long. I can definitely understand how your past experiences with mental professionals can cause disappointment and hesitations. You deserve to receive adequate help and support to work through your mental health. You are seen and heard on this platform and we are all happy to provide some support to you as you continue to navigate through your experiences.

I hope that you are able to find a good and positive professional (if you choose to go this route) that can help. Or any support group as well where you could meet individuals of a like mind or that are experiencing similar situations as you. Anything that would help you to feel less alone and neglected. I hope you have the courage to keep trying and advocating for your mental health wellness and your journey of getting better despite the discouraging experiences of those you sought help from in the past.

Hey there!

First off I just want to say thank you for being open with us here, we appreciate it and don’t take it for granted.

Mental illness is so hard, adding on being so young, and having no support- I am so sorry you had to experience that.

Being young it is easy for adults to see mental illness as a kid being naughty or bad… but man that is not the case. I wish that more people were aware of the issues that can be apparent in children when they are young- that they are not just being bad kids. I wish there was more understanding for you at that time- you deserved to be understood and heard and cared for. I am sorry you did not get that from those people in your life at that time, that was not okay of them.

The abuse you went through- you did not deserve that, you should not have experienced that and I am so sorry that is something you went through. Doctors of any kind should be understanding and able to listen and care for the people they see… I am sorry you did not get that from these doctors when you were younger.

I can’t even begin to understand how hard it must be getting throug SA… that is something no one deserves, I am sorry taht is something you experienced… I think it is common and understandable to have difficulties talking about abuse and SA as a child or adult. It is understandable to be scared. I agree that children are not listened to enough, I am hoping that change comes one day so kids do not have to go through this pain in the future…

Mental health is such a hard thing to deal with on your own, and it’s even harder when doctors or people you are close to- or should be close to- don’t listen or seem to care. That is something no one deserves. You deserve to be understood and listened to, and I am so sorry you were not given that.

I wish it was easier for people on the outside of situations to see what has caused certain emotion or instances.

When I was a teenager dealing with depression and anxiety my mom and dad did not get it at all- they thought it was so simple to get over… now my mom has been through much and she is aware of how I felt back then. I wish she would have been more understanding then, but I am glad to be understood today.

You did not deserve to go through these things, you did not deserve to be hurt, and I am so sorry you went through these things. Please know you are not alone, there are people who will listen, and people who care. You are loved, and you deserve to be heard and listened to. I hope that you can find peace in life, I know how hard it is to get through the past.

We are always here for you, we are here to listen, to be a shoulder to lean on.

Much love my friend,