This morning has been hell

This morning has been hell for me, my mom and i got into a fight when i first woke up all over something i had, she decided to use my suic*de attempts against me then call me stupid bc i know more about my Mental issues then she dose at the time. My dad is already mad at me for my arms bc i’m just recovering from an addiction.


Dear @Horselover200246,

I am so very sorry that the day has started in such a rough way for you. The fact that you struggle and are in pain shouldn’t be turned against you as if you were at fault, especially from your parents. It should be opportunities to encourage you, to support you and show you love more than ever.

You are not stupid. Your suicide attempts and self-harming are not the reflection of a personal fault. It’s only the expression of your pain and how much you need to be supported through all of this. It’s understandable that, for people close to someone struggling, it can be really hard to know what to say or do. But being mad and pointing out fingers is not okay. Your parents seem to need to learn how to process some of these emotions on their own, so they could actually be there to support you and nothing else.

I remember that not so long ago you’ve mentioned that you wanted to ask your parents to see a therapist. I understand that the context right now is difficult with them. Is there any update on that matter though? It’s probably very scary to ask them something like that, but maybe it would also be a way to make them see that you are willing to overcome these struggles and need their help? To set some healthy direction to follow, all together.

I hope also that the rest og the day will be more peaceful for you. You are not guilty for struggling. You’re only human. None of this defines you, and it doesn’t have to condition your future either.

I’m proud of you for being here, for being on your recovery regarding this addiction that you’ve mentioned, for not giving up on yourself. There are so much better days ahead for you, friend.

You are loved. :hrtlegolove:


Well with the therapist thing, one of my older friends talk to them bc they have felt with everything i’m going through, my mom has 2 choices right now from them is to get me a therapist or let her send me to psych ward for a few days/weeks. my mom decided the therapist i don’t know when i’m post to get one bc i’m still post to go to my doctors about getting on antidepressants but it’s right now depending on my eating disorder if i’m able to


Thank you so much for your response, @Horselover200246. <3

It sounds like there’s some big progress there! Although I hear that it didn’t come from you at first, which can surely cause some discomfort. How do you feel about these perspectives, if I may ask?

Also, just to understand a little more, how getting antidepressants is depending on your eating disorders?

I’m sending hugs your way. <3


With the antidepressants and my eating disorder is bc i can’t keep down meds anymore from the ED so we are trying to figure out how it’s going to work and about the perspectives i don’t mind them bc they do give me a thing to think about for a bit


That makes sense. Thank you for sharing. When I was struggling with eating disorders (anorexia and bulimia), it has prevented me to get access to some treatments. But on the bright side, it can also be a real motivator when it comes to recovery. Like something very strong we don’t want to mess up with. You might need to adopt some strategies in the future, like taking your treatments right before you’re going to sleep, things like that.

All in all, these are some very positive news, and I hope you will keep holding on to these new goals to follow. One step at a time, always. I have no doubt you will keep progressing and getting there. We’re here for you as well. If you need to vent, talk, be heard or even ask questions. You’re not alone. :hrtlegolove:

PS - Make sure to do something nice for yourself today, okay? There’s never too much of self-care.

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I am planning on doing some self care today

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I am planning on doing some self care today

That sounds like a really good plan! I should follow your example. :slight_smile:

Do you already have an idea of what you’re going to do? To me it’s gonna be probably a bit of art, cooking and maybe a meeting later with a friend. :hrtlegolove:

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The 3 i have planned to shower, eat and the clean my room bc i have to start down sizing my stuff since i’m moving out in 2 years

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Hey @Horselover200246,

I hope you are doing okay and keep taking care of yourself as much as you can.

This week is on the theme of Creative Encouragement at HeartSupport, so I wanted to draw a little something for you as a reminder of love for you.

Some days can be pretty dark and I wish you didn’t have to experience any of this. However, rest assured that you are not alone. You have an army of supporters right here to encourage you.

Your life is so important and your presence brings a unique light into this world. Take care of this precious spark of yours. :heart:


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