This pandemic is really hitting me hard. my mental health is not doing well

im usually a homebody and love Netflix. but lately with having to be inside and isolated from people is REALLY hurting my mental health. whenever i try to conquer my school work i just end up having a major panic attack and my chest tightens and i feel like i cant breathe. my therapist recommends that i start a schedule but for some reason i can never stick with it. i feel like im self sabotaging myself i feel crazy and most of all i feel pathetic. ive been turning the thought in my mind a lot that i dont matter because there are 7 billion people in the world and it just seems like im the worst at everything. ive been bullied a lot and abused for a big portion of my life and i feel like that is where a lot of my insecurity is coming from. ive been like this for days. please any advice or encouragement is welcome.


People were not made to be alone so it makes sense that the isolation is taking a toll. I’m sorry to hear that this pandemic is hurting your mental health but I know you’re definitely not alone in that experience. It’s a very strange time when routine and normal life has been turned on its head. You DO matter. You are not the worst at everything or pathetic (even though I know that voice is in my head some days too and it’s avery nasty one) and your worth is not tied to anything you can or can’t do. You are important and you matter because you are you! Each day you can try again with sticking to a schedule and don’t forget that progress is still progress even if it is small. Thank you for sharing with us and give yourself room to adapt to the circumstance of the pandemic. It’s not easy for things to be changed so drastically. And you’re already speaking to a therapist which is awesome!
My only thought about scheduling is to maybe have stations or designated rooms for different things?


you have absolutely no idea how much your reply helped me. thank you for being kind and listening it means a lot. thank you.


I am so glad and I’m happy that you shared :star: