This song breaks me all the time because i constan

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Belongs to: Therapist analyzes Su!cIde by Ren
This song breaks me all the time, because I constantly struggle with the thoughts of this action.

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Hi @HeartSupport_Fans,

There are few songs that made me cry and wanted to suicide myself last year. I remind myself on why I should live. Just remember you aren’t alone suffering this problem. I’m always here to support you!

I’m so sorry that you’ve been struggling with thoughts of suicide, my friend. This can be such a lonely place to be in, and you can be proud of yourself for reaching out here in th efirst place. This is a powerful way to break down the walls of isolation that dark thoughts can create in our mind. It separates us form the rest of the world, making us feel like we are condemned to carry this burden on our own. But you are not alon right now.

For what it’s worth from a stranger like me, I felt like you at times in my life too. I was drowning in my own thoughts and every day felt was an impossible challenge to overcome. There were moments when it seemed like the darkness would never lift and I couldn’t see a way out. It was as if the weight of the world was pressing down on me, making it hard to breathe, hard to think, and hard to find any motivation to keep going. The only relief in my mind went when I was feeling about ending it all and leaving the people I love behind. At some point, I didn’t care anymore and was just begging internally to feel a sense of relief, no matter how, because the pain I was feeling inside was excruciating. I wished to have the possibility to take my heart off my chest just for the possibility to not feel anymore. It felt like there was no escape, and the idea of continuing to push through felt impossible. I felt like a burden, convinced that my struggles were too much for anyone else to hear.

It’s really hard to be in this position my friend, but you have done something really strong here by naming the struggle and reaching out about it. It is especially during those moments of vulnerability in our life that we might need to welcome others to support us in it. It’s okay to ask for help, to say that you’re not okay, to seek support in your inner circle and/or outside of it. Having suicidal thoughts reflects the pain you are feeling, but it doesn’t have to be something we follow through. There is hope my friend. There really is. If you would like to share more, we are here to listen. :heart: