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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Solway Firth by Slipknot
This song hit me hard , because ai feel like tjis
This is a topic from YOUTUBE. Reply as normal, and we will post it to the user on YouTube.
Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Solway Firth by Slipknot
This song hit me hard , because ai feel like tjis
Hi Friend,
Thank you for your post. I’m not sure what it is that you are currently going through but I am glad that you were able to find music and a song that you can relate to and that resonates with you and how you feel. Sometimes music can so perfectly express what it is that we are feeling inside way better than our own words can. It can also be reassuring to know that if someone wrote this song that describes how you feel and what you feel so well, then you aren’t alone in what you feel. That what you feel is valid and it has been felt by others (even though you might not know them directly).
I’m wishing you the best and if you ever feel that you’d like to talk about your circumstances more. Then we are here for you to support you as best we can.
Hello friend, Thank you so much for commenting on this song. It is a special thing to find a song that you can relate to, a song that you hear the lyrics to and you think, these are my thoughts, they are my words, this person is in my mind, talking about me, they can hear me!!! It is a nod to you to let you know that you are not alone in your hurt, other people have and do feel your pain and understand where you are making you feel less like a stranger in your thoughts, which of course you are not, We all hurt, we all have pain and disappointment in this life and we all deal with it in a different way. I hope you have people to lean on in those times as well as your music to help balance you. I wish you all the best. Lisa. x