This song just makes me cry i was molested by my o

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Belongs to: Therapist Reacts to Daddy By Korn
This song just makes me cry. I was molested by my older cousins as a child, and Ive never spoke to anyone about it besides once to my alcoholic mother. She wasnt there for me as a mother after some years but I think thats why she kinda pretends I never said it. Get help people. I fucked my life up beyond fixing, you can hopefully get help before that.


This song is so deep. I’m so sorry that you’re able to relate to these lyrics and feelings. I unfortunately went through a similar situation with my older cousin when I was a child too. It’s an embarrassing thing, and it’s hard to speak up about because you’re afraid no one will understand you or blow you off because it’s an uncomfortable topic. You almost feel guilty for something you didn’t have control over. Though we all might go through these degrading moments in our lives, we can reflect on the growth that we endure. I’m so sorry that you struggle with a connection with your mom, I promise there are so many people that love you. We are all here for you and all care for you. Keep shining your light, you’re so strong!


I am so sorry that you have had to go through this. My heart breaks for you and I wish I could just give you a hug to console you. Even though it wasn’t received well, I am so proud of you for reaching out to your mother. I am so sorry that she wasn’t fit to help you through what a mother should help her child through, but the fact that you were able to gather the strength to speak about your trauma is awe-inspiring. Even here- thank you so much for opening up in these comments and sharing your story with the world. It is massively appreciated. I would encourage you to continue with this strength you have to share. A burden is so much easier to manage when we take the pressure off of ourselves to carry it alone.

I hope you know that while it may seem like there is no hope, or while it may seem like life can never improve, your life is not beyond fixing. No matter what you have done or what has been done to you, you are never beyond saving. You are truly loved so much more than you can ever know. You have a purpose. You are worthy. I hope that you can find the strength to persevere through the trauma and troughs that you are facing, because on the other side there is hope. These trails may seem endless, but you weren’t created to suffer. There is future joy that awaits you, and there is nothing about you that cannot be fixed.

Thank you so much for sharing, and I’m so proud of you. To go through so much of your life carrying such a heavy burden by yourself makes my heart go out to you, but I know that even though that trauma may remain, your future has hope, and you are deserving of that hope. You are loved and I truly appreciate you. We at HeartSupport are always here if you would like to talk more. Thank you so much for your honesty and for simply being you.


That must truly be agonizing to carry around that heaviness and trauma from your childhood–I am so sorry that your mother did not acknowledge your hurt. There is so much emotional relief and healing found in sharing burdens and trauma with those close to us–perhaps there is somebody you trust in your life who you could try to confide in with your past again.
I hope and pray that you can experience healing from so much of the pain and crushing experiences you have endured.


Thank you for all your kind words!

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