This song made me full on sob once i actually list

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Belongs to: Therapist first time hearing Motionless in White
This song made me full on sob once I actually listened to they lyrics. I’ve been stuck on this song for a good while and I think it’s because of the lyrics (and because it’s MIW, duh). My mental health has been absolute garbage for a long time, and these lyrics are relatable, inspiring and powerful. It makes me feel not so alone.


I love that music can connect so many people to the same emotions and feelings. The power of music unites so many people who may feel lost and alone.
Whatever you are going through right now, I hope that music keeps inspiring you and encouraging you through

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So thankful that you find some resonance in this song. It’s so special to feel like a music can mirror the way we feel, just all these emotions that are often too difficult to put into words. It’s like having your voice shared for you, and it brings this reassurance that you are not alone in your struggles. I promise you that you’re not, no matter what obstacles you’ve been facing, especially mental-health wise. There’s this voice inside that may try to convince you that you’re on your own and that you’re defective in some way - but the truth is that you’re simply a human being, and figuring out life is a challenge in itself.

Personally, I relate so very much to the line “Where numbness and pain are synchronized”. When you’ve struggled for a long time, you reach that point where you’re both suffering and completely fed up with it at the same time… caring but also not. I feel this exhaustion through the words you have shared, and just wanted to sit right next to you - even if just for a minute, and even if virtually. There is more to this life than the struggles and the pain that remains. I hope you can find and embrace the sparks of beauty and joy in your life when they dare to show up. You deserve all the best, all the good.

If you would like to share more about how things have been for you, and how you’ve been managing/coping with your mental health, please feel free to share here. It can bring a release that we really need sometimes.

Hold Fast, friend. We believe in you.