This song speaks to me thats what im going through

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Belongs to: Convictions - The Price of Grace - Therapist Reacts
This song speaks to me
That’s what I’m going through
I feel alone as such way people I thought I could trust tuned out to be narcists
Know one understands me only when I find hardcore music helps me in such away that I can escape reality
I know suicide is not the answer because I lost many love ones to this stigma and their is always HOPE to see a positive change to help yourself to believe for a better quality of life
God Will always love everyone
Choose LFE because your worth to fill in that space that no one can fill


Thanks for the positive messages about HOPE.
I’m sorry that you have had people in your life that you trusted, turn out to not have your best interests in mind. It’s good that you have found music to be therapeutic. Losses to suicide are painful, but your outlook that life is worth choosing is a great one. Hope you’re having a good day <3

Hey friend - I’m sorry that you’ve been going through a hard time lately. It is such a heavy place to be but to feel like you would be left alone with your struggles, especially when it is during those times that you need others the most, when connection can be healing. It sounds that you have given your trust before and that it was turned against you, which is absolutely unfair. I hope you know that, through these now broken relationships, you did what was right and what you could. You couldn’t know that people you trusted were solely focused on themselves, unable to see beyond it. It must have felt like such a downfall to have your trust broken though. My heart goes out to you. It hurts to reach a point of vulnerability and intimacy with someone while they somehow use it against us and tear us apart.

Your words on suicide are so very true. It is fundamental to resist to this call, to not let it overshadow the love that is available, even when it’s hard to see it, or even if we have yet to find our people. There is healing through connection, and so much growing pains in isolation. It must have been a painful journey to walk through this grief while struggling yourself - I relate personally to how it feels to have this inner conflict between personal despair yet feeling and knowing how hurtful grief is.

I’m thankful that you are here today and commented on this video. If you need a space to open up about your struggles, a safe space where you would only - and always - be loved with unconditional compassion, feel free to come by on our anonymous forum at We are not alone in our struggles, and by coming together we can gather even more strength in face of life’s challenges. Know that you have a community standing by your side right here. Hold fast.