This song speaks to my personal misery the last ye

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Belongs to: Therapist and Vocalist react to One By Metallica
this song speaks to my personal misery. the last year and a half have been absolute misery. I attempted suicide last June and I’m facing that option again. I’m so overwhelmed by life that I have no hope left


Thanks for reaching out. Sometimes it does seem overwhelming; just remember you are worth it to keep it up; hoping the journey does smooth out.


Hey there! Please remember you are loved. You are strong. And you are worthy. Please stay strong. We are here for you. HS is here for you❤️


Reaching out takes courage. Life can seem overwhelming at times. You deserve to live. We are here for you. I wish you the best on this tough journey.


hey friend, i’m so sorry that the last year and a half has been so hard on you. i’m beyond thankful that you are here in this moment, reading these words and opening up about what you’re going through. life can be so overwhelming and it’s understandable how you can feel defeated by it all. it’s almost suffocating, all we want is an easy way out. what you’re going through is difficult, especially with thoughts of suicide paired with hopelessness. but you’re here on this planet, you’re reaching out here for support because you know you deserve it. you deserve peace, happiness, and hope… and i believe in you fully to keep fighting in order to find it. whether it’s changing up aspects in your life that aren’t working or making you feel stuck or finding new reasons for living, you can do this. we need you. i believe in you.



Hi there, it sounds like a lot is going on right now (and for quite some time now) and I’m so glad you reached out here. Being in a state of hopelessness and overwhelm can be such a challenge and I really feel for you in this – it sounds like you have a ton on your shoulders right now.

If you’d like to share further, we’re here for you and would love to listen (in these comments or at Alternatively (or in addition), if you would like to talk to a professional crisis counselor, you can find a list of those here: Crisis Resources | HeartSupport (crisis counselors are generally professionals who can respond faster and may be particularly helpful in mental health crises).

Thank you again for having the courage to reach out and share with us. It really does sound like a lot is on your plate and I hope you’re willing to take the time and allow us to walk alongside you in your journey to handle what’s going on and/or find the resources that are right for you. You matter and you deserve all the best.


thank you all so much for reaching out to me. here is my story.

Thank you for reaching out to me. In less than a year I experienced every type of loss a person could experience. It started with my father dying. Then my job was ending. Then my oldest brother died. A few weeks after that, I was served divorce papers and was living in my car. I can’t handle the pain and failure I am any more. I have no more desire to go on.

Oh, that is definition of that old saying, “when it rains it pours”. Understandable this seems a lot because it is a lot. Also realize any of these events would take time to grieve/recover and you have not had much of that before another onslaught. So, yeah, it can start to stack up. But also realize you ARE of value, and it matters that you are here, so much so that I hope that you have the strength to put one foot in front of the other, no matter how small, and slush through all this that has poured on you. You don’t deserve it, and sometimes we wonder and talk ourselves into that is not the case. But it is, you are totally worth it. Sometimes so tiring it wears you out. Seriously, I have been through much onslaught since like 2016. And times it feels like I am about to get out of it all and: whoosh! Something else. And with each something else, so tired from the others; don’t feel like I have strength for the next. But, I can tell you, from personal experience, and I am not the most robust individual out there; it is possible. You matter, you have value…take a deep breath in…it is possible.

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