This songs always cuts me deep my mom was a really

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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to How Could You Leave Us by NF
This songs always cuts me deep, My mom was a really bad smoker, for my 7th birthday I asked for her to quit, she did, but as a result she became addicted to Xanax, she quit, became an alcoholic, after 13 years she became sober, but only after the cigarettes caused heart problems, the alcohol caused her liver to near fail, her body doesn’t properly function, my whole life has been dealing with my parents dealing with substance abuse, now I can’t even smell anything without getting PTSD

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Hi @HeartSupport_Fans,

I’m so sorry about your mother. Your mother is quite a fighter to stop smoking, quit drugs, and become sober. I’m super proud of your mother. It must have been really hard for her to fight addiction. Your mother is super grateful for you taking care of her health.

I have a few questions for you. What made your parents start overdosing drugs & alcohol? Why does your mother smoke at lot? There must be a reason for your parents dealing with substance abuse. Are your parents seeing some mental & health professional to get treated for substance abuse? Can your parents join in a support group with substance abuse? I’m not forcing you and your parents something if you don’t want to. It’s your choice and I respect on whatever decision that you make.

PTSD is hard for people to overcome and people get treated for many ways. I struggle with trauma so I can relate with the triggers. I always found ways to relax from something that gave me a flashback. What helps you calm down during PTSD? I hope you are doing okay too.