Time for meds adjustment

Hello all, wanted to share an update. So my lamotrigine has been doing little to nothing for me. I feel as I did when I was on no meds at all and feel the urge to drink and just drown my feelings, but I have stayed sober despite the challenges and strong emotions.

Thankfully I have a great doctor who has lined up a couple options to try that will be new meds for me. I’m hopeful that Latuda works for me and helps soon. I need to ween off lamotrigine and get the new med built up of course, but I may not be covered by insurance for this option. If that is the case, I’m going on Seroquel. But I am so ready to make the change and start a new med that hopefully makes me feel stable once again.

I’m hanging in there; too stubborn to give up and end it all but not out of the woods with self destructive behavior. I’m miserable to be around and I don’t even like being around myself as it is now. Better days ahead one way or another. Feeling positive as I write this but super easily agitated, on the verge of rage, if not super emotional and crying at the slightest thing, even if it is a fictional character in a show or story. Crossing my fingers the meds work and work soon as I ride out this storm inside of me.



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