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Belongs to: Therapist scared to react to Slipknot - Psychosocial
To be honest that extremely negative voice is the only thing I have counted on that hasn’t stabbed me in the back.
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I think at one point or another, we’ve all felt that. I know I definitely have. But there will be those times that the positivity will be there and will always be there in one way or another
Thank you for sharing my friend. Our extremely negative voices can sometimes scream out the loudest as we are not without our own ghosts.
However, never lose sight or room for the positive voices because they can spur us on when we least expect it.
And also Slipknot - Psychosocial still slaps hard as heck.
Hey Friend, I can totally relate to this, I was raised with a saying “The higher you go, the harder you fall” ao I learned never to get too excited about anything and still managed to get very hurt so I taught myself to expect nothing but bad things, that way if and IF was big anything positive came about it would be a surprise. Some people find this frame of mind difficult but it does make sense to me. I think it can be deemed unhealthy by some and that is ok too, each to their own right? I wish you all the very best. x