Todays the day i end it

If you have to tell them you have to tell them. It will be ok, whether they like it or not, this is about you, not them. If you need help you need help. It will work out. I have been to a professional myself and it is not as scary as it sounds. They can actually help you talk to your parents too so you will not be alone in that discussion. It will work out and be ok, but you need to reach out. If it has hit that point it is time for your own sanities sake. They can get you the help and aid you need and help you work through all of that. Do not be afraid. They can do a lot that you may not see at this time. Your life is important and they can help you through this.

I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Breakups are never easy, and when a friend starts giving you problems when you’re already in a vulnerable state… It just adds to it all :frowning:

I know seeing a future right now is difficult, but one usually never see the light at the end of the tunnel when you’re in the middle of your problems. Reaching out and being open with people is one of the most difficult things to do, but also one of the most important things you can do. You do deserve to be heard, to feel loved, to get the help you need, and to find your path out of the darkness. I do believe you can get there, but it’s gonna take work. We care about you, and we’re here for you if we can do anything to help.

Life is so much more than this. Hushy~



thank you guys for the advice but i just don’t feel happy right now i feel like either way im not gonna be happy and like nothing is gonna help me so what’s the point of trying to find some thing and tryin to find some one to talk to i just don’t know what to do anymore i think rn my only option is to leave and just die or do what i need to do

Sandia I don’t feel happy now. I suffered alot with immune disorder. I am so sick and it’s effected mentally how I feel about life and how I see life.i don’t know what the point of life is when I’m in so much physical pain. but that I can overcome this and that I am strong enough to overcome this maybe not physically but my spirit is strong enough. You are strong enough your spirit is strong enough to see this through. We all have challenges to overcome and you have the support here to overcome these challenges. When I broke up with my boyfriend I would eat ice cream and cry in my doona. You are not alone. We all have challenges to overcome. I woke up this morning and did what I needed to do and made a appointment to see my doctor even though I felt like throwing in the towel too much pain but I put one foot than another foot in front even though I didn’t feel like it. I rang my support manager and booked in for dr appointment.

i just feel like no one needs me anymore i just upset everyone i make wrong choices all the time and i just say all the wrong things nd it hurts people i hurt people and i just can’t be here if all im doing is hurting people i just can’t im just a burden to so many people
one of my friends just told me right now that “all i ever do is make them feel like shit and there so fucking done with me” i just can’t live with that

Sandia you are strong enough to overcome these challenges. You are not a burden.

i don’t feel like i am i just can’t do this anymore for the rest of my life i can’t just feel like everyday i don’t belong here and i would be better off dead i can’t i just i hurt everyone i don’t think i can do this any more i think today may be my time i don’t know how much more i can take

I wake up everyday and I don’t want to live but this is my daily challenge to overcome. All I really have is 24 hours. You belong here and you can overcome this daily challenge with 24 hours you have. Are you on discord?

Okay i will try and yea

I’m on discord. It has live chat.

the only thing i would be able to do is text cuz my computer does work im sorry

I just text in general chat and real chat. I just use my phone.

oh okay then what do you want to do

i’m sorry but all i know is that i might not kill myself today but as soon as i have time to my self alone in my room i will with nothing stopping me it’s my only way out i just want the pain to stop and that’s my only option it will probably be a week from now that’s when i get my room back and that’s when i plan to do it

Is the pain with your boyfriend.

We can chat on discord if you want to

Have you thought of going to hospital.

No it is not we have actually gotten back together it’s other things
okay lets move to discord mines @sandia#3087
and no it’s not an option for me