Trapped in a cold marriage always frustrated for a

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Trapped in a cold marriage always frustrated for affection.
I FEEL this. :dizzy_face:

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Feeling trapped in a marriage where you’re craving affection and not receiving it is such a hard place to be in. It’s like being stranded on an emotional island, surrounded by a sea of unmet needs and longing. You’re there, present in the relationship, but there’s this persistent feeling of being overlooked or unseen, especially in the ways that matter most to you. You want to be acknowledged by the person you love the most, but you are left hanging and longing, wondering when things could be again the way they used to.

It’s like yearning for warmth in a cold room. You want to feel that emotional closeness, that sense of being valued and understood by your partner. You might find yourself replaying moments in your mind, wondering if there was a missed opportunity for connection, or if there’s something you could have done differently to grant the affection you crave. It’s hard because you want so much to feel that bond, that sense of intimacy that comes from being emotionally connected, but something is blocked and you keep on facing a wall. You want to feel like your presence in the relationship matters, and that your needs are important and understood, which is absolutely understandable.

I’m sorry friend that this has been an ongoing struggle for you and in your marriage, and hope you know that your feelings are valid. It’s a valid expectation but to want to feel loved and cherished by the very person you share your life with. Hopefully, this situation could find some resolution and positive closure for the both of you, maybe through open conversation and trying to work through these difficulties together. Whatever step would feel safe and possible to take for the both of you.

You’re not alone in this, my friend. If you ever need to talk about it, you have a community right here willing to listen.