Trevor Fan #5

Everything I’ve ever done and still struggle so much with. Jesus is my only hope but I struggle with mental health and low self esteem and have hurt too many loving people. I have bad boundaries too


Hey friend, I’m sorry you are struggling with so much. I’m glad that you reached out. You deserve to be heard and supported. I don’t know what all is going on, but I want you to know that you are are deserving of love and forgiveness. Sometimes we have to face the consequences of the choices we have made. And face the things we have done wrong, but that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve forgiveness. It’s also important to forgive yourself. <3

What are some things you can do to help set safer and healthier boundaries?

You say Jesus is your only hope. Have you checked out God Squad. I’m going to leave you their links. Maybe they could be of interest to you.

Maybe this could be a place of encouragement for you.

Stay Strong
~Kitty :hrtlegolove:


Thank you. I’ve tried reading the book on boundaries but then I give up because it’s too hard. Thank you so much for your support. It’s so kind of you to help.

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It’s okay to struggle. We all do. We are imperfect people. We have all pushed away and hurt those who genuinely love us. But you want to know the best part? If they love us unconditionally, like a few that I the pleasure of knowing, they’re going to love us no matter how much we push. They may give us our space and it seem like they despise us, but the moment we go back to them, they are there with open arms ready to embrace us.

Jesus is our hope. I look to him daily for my strength to press on. And when everything seems like its falling apart, I hold onto hope because He is still in control.

I’ve linked a couple of songs for you to listen to for when you feel like everything is falling apart. The first one has been an anthem for me in my struggle with depression and anxiety. I know it by heart and when I start to feel weary, I sing it to myself. It

The second is another I listen to when I fail people and hurt them; and when all of my mistakes are in my face, it reminds me that I am loved. I actually had the name of the song tattooed on my wrist so I would have a constant reminder that no matter what I am loved.


Thank you so much for sharing. I will be praying for you as well! I appreciate the songs. I will definitely check them out.


Hey @Johana1285,

It’s okay to struggle with your mental health. It’s okay to have boundaries as well.

I just wanted to follow @JoeT and add a song to the convo. It’s from our dear @Eric here in the HS community. I hope it will warms your heart as much as it warms mine. :heart:

You’ll be okay. If you ever want to talk about your current difficulties more precisely, don’t hesitate to do so. We’re willing to listen and support you, with our own life experiences, resources but also tons of love.

Hold fast. :heart:

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Thank you. This came just in time as I couldn’t sleep.
I’m so appreciative of both you and joes videos and encouragement. I’m so ready to live for Our King Jesus but I’ll definitely need His help and healing if He desires. I am 34 and still live at home because of the mental health struggles I’ve had amongst other struggles and I’m done feeling hopeless and not good enough. I do hope and pray God blesses you both for encouraging me.

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Hey Friend! You are strong and know all of us love you! This is a reason why I’ll be supporting HeartSupport on my personal stream! Know that your loved and the OtterFam loves you! DarianDaOtter.

@Micro Oh hey! I just saw this! Thank you so much for the shoutout :slight_smile:

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