Tried contacting a crisis center

So this month I’ve tried talking with people at a crisis center, I don’t know what I was expecting but it didn’t really help like I thought it would.


Hey lonely, I’m so sorry you reached out and it felt like it was a negative step. It can be so hard to reach out and when you’re at the end of that rope, it’s devastating walking away and feeling like there’s been no progress.
I’m not sure if you’ve mentioned before if you have a doctor you see, but my hope is that opening the conversation with them about where you are could potentially allow them to find the right resources to a more person centred and individualised care.

Sometimes it’s not easy talking to someone on the phone or messaging someone because they don’t really get to know us or have a background of what our needs are. And I think that it’s something that you deserve to be able to have. A conversation with people who can meet you and walk with you where you are at

Hi there,
I am so sorry to hear that the crisis center didn’t help as much as you were expecting. I know how discouraging it is when you take the step to reach out for help and receive something that doesn’t feel like it’s helping.
I just want you to know that we are here to support you and there will always be someone here to listen and hopefully try to give you the support you need.

sending love and support
domenica <3

Hey there friend!

Im so sorry that you’re going through this and not receiving the support and care that you deserve. Life can hand us some terrible cards, and not having the resources around us to support us can make it feel much more difficult. What I do want you to know is that we are here for you at Heart Support. We will always be here for you. Crisis or if you just want to chat, we welcome you with open arms. Whatever you are going through, you don’t have to go through it alone. Please stay strong :ag_icon:


Well unfortunately I don’t have anyone I can see because I have no health insurance so I don’t know I guess I just have to suffer.

Yeah hopefully though the last few times I’ve posted on here it’s felt like no one cared or wanted to talk to me.

It doesn’t feel that way sometimes.

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I hear you. And I’m so sorry that you had that previous experience. But I’m here to make that different now for you

Okay how so? Oh also as a fun little anecdote I had a little girl tell me I was going to die alone.

I’m here to chat with you, and those words are awfully hurtful. They also have no truth to them. Please remember that your best days can be ahead of you

Well the way things are going they are extremely truthful.

I guess No one wants to chat with me.

Why does everyone just lie to me?

I’m really starting to think crisis sites use AI

I’ve come to the realization that I should not use this website anymore, whenever I do it pushes me further into an angry depressive state of mind and I feel as though I’m wasting everyone’s time.

I feel less and less human as time goes on.

Hi Lonely,

I’ll admit that I’m new to this website but let me know if you ever need someone to listen.

Thanks I can’t really guarantee that I will be a good person to talk with though.

I’m never going to know the joy of having a wife, or having children that love you and look up to you I’m never going to have a family of my own and it kills me it hurts so much I can’t stand it.