TW: ||abuse, toxicity, homophobia, slurs, social experiment, threat, suicide, bullying||

From paraf1nn_ttv_75429: so we’re doing this stupid ||social experiment|| at school and the girl who calls me the ||f-slur, the r-slur, and says the t-slur on a daily|| will be at the top of the hierarchy tomorrow ||(meaning she can boss me around)|| and she also ||threatened me as if to hurt me||. my mom as usual blamed it on me.
i cant take this crap
they’re forcing me to go to school anyway
||im not gonna make it much longer ||


Hello Paraf1nn

I’m sorry you are being treated this way at school by someone. No one deserves to be treated this way. How long is the experiment going on for, and do you have to be involved with it if you are not being treated right? Is there a counselor, or teacher at the school you can talk to about what you are going through?

I’m not sure the context of everything and how long it has been going on. But I think it is excusable for you to not want to be around people who are treating you wrongly. It is a perfectly valid feeling and desire to be treated well, and not want to be around those who are treating you poorly. We unfortunately can not change people outside of ourselves. Which is why I wondered if potentially talking to an adult at the school about your experience and asking them if you can be excused from the event. Might benefit you.


Hey friend,

So sorry you have to deal with such awful people at school - it’s unfortunate to be stuck in such an environment. As has been mentioned, is there any adult at school you could trust with this information? I know that not everyone can be the most helpful with this sort of thing, but at least notifying one person might help and would possibly mean that someone would be looking out for you. It’s also disappointing that you can’t turn to your mom for help on this, are there any other members of your family or friends that you can talk to? Perhaps they might not be able to rectify the situation, but you shouldn’t have to deal with these things alone and being able to talk may do you some good.
In all cases, school can be such a frustrating and difficult time but at least there will be an end to it! It’s saddening to know that this period of our lives ends up being a terrible experience for a lot of us, but it’s important to remember that it’s not forever and at some point, you will be able to have more of a say in terms of who is around you!! Hang in there please, and don’t forget we’re always here to talk!

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This sounds like an awful social experiment - I’m so sorry that you’ve been dealing with this. It makes completely sense to be fed up with this and to need a break away from it. Being told horrible things over and over is awful.

Is there a way you can ask to be removed from participating in this? Or a trusted adult you could reach out to? Trying to understand also a little more the context of this experiment, and if something the school is organizing or classmates only. Given what this person is saying to you, it sounds like what’s happening should imply for participants to stop when they want/need it. You are not supposed to keep up with something that hurts you - and understandably so. :heart: