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Belongs to: Therapist reacts to Save Me by Jelly Roll
Two years ago, my brother took his own life after a prolonged struggle with depression and severe social anxiety. That event plunged me into a profound sadness that, unfortunately, will always be a part of me.This channel and community have been a great support during many difficult days, and I will always be very grateful.
I am so sorry. Your pain matters so much to me, and to other folks as well. I’m thankful you have communities of support, because you deserve it. May love and peace and hope meet you in the sadness.
I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s normal that such a sadness lingers or stays with you from such an event. Grief is a long long process and it’s ok to take time, there’s no right way to grieve. I’m glad to hear that you have an outlet and source of support. I hope you know that if you ever need to speak there’s people who will listen, you’re not alone friend.