University doubt + can't find a job help

I gotta pay university in less than a week. I don’t even know if I wanna study considering I feel horrible and that I don’t have the money, I used to have a scholarship bc of a program but I lost the benefit bc of what happened last year.

It’s unfair. It’s like I’m being punished for having to face something horrible in my life. But whatever I’m just worried cuz idk how to get that money, there’s no way to pay for it, I’m going insane.

I’ve been looking for a job since last month but they’ve all said no. I’ve been looking for remote alternatives bc the thought of dealing with people frightens me, I don’t think I have the patience to deal with others and don’t wanna be horrible to others

I like drawing but I’m not sure anyone would either commission me or donate if I opened a ko fi, and either way it probably won’t be enough to pay back the credit my parents are thinking on getting…

I don’t even know if studying is a viable option anymore I just wanna start working so I can help my parents pay good and services and start saving so I can eventually move out.

Does anyone here know any way I can start earning money? International alternatives please I don’t live in the US…


Wow! It sounds like you are dealing with a lot. I wish I had some answers about how to generate income, but I live in the US.

It does seem as though you’re putting a lot of pressure on yourself, even to the extent of being overwhelmed.

One thing I’m pretty sure of, is that the more education you receive, the more likely it is that you will find employment. It sounds like your parents are willing to keep paying for your education. Although it may be hard to accept, maybe the best thing to do is focus on finishing college, then work out a way to repay your parents.

There actually are some companies that hire people to do remote work on computers, but it does not look easy to decide which of them offers a legitimately decent income. Sometimes, at least in this country, colleges themselves help students find work. I worked as a mentor for a couple of years when I was in college.

Wishing you the best, Wings

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Hey Mtelltaleheart,

Does your uni have bulletin boards or someplace where people advertise? You could possibly put an ad on those for commissions on your art, and sometimes they’ll be opportunities there for people in terms of after school work as well too?


Thank you wings… They are willing to pay, but also I know they’ll constantly remind me to get a job and pay and honestly I don’t want to live overwhelmed anymore. I’m still trying to figure out what the heck I will do cuz I do have to find a way to contribute to the payment, but for now I have opened a ko-fi and planning to do commissions. May have to ask someone to help with customer service though, bc I don’t wanna have problems with anyone… My best friend and I are looking for job alternatives either way.
I’m glad I have someone I can trust in that regard…

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I’m not entirely sure. My level isn’t very high either way…
I will ask though, perhaps I can find something. Thanks for the suggestion!