Unneeded hate causing me to question a lot

As of late last night about 11pm I was sent some very harsh unkind messages from people I thought got who my service dog is and how he and I work together. I got hateful messages saying that my dog is aggressive and that he needs to get over some issues (yes they have been worked through) I got messages saying that one if the biggest groups I am apart of kicked me out for a small thing that has since be handled. I broke in this moment and wanted so badly to just not belong anymore. These individuals are taking something that not only did they blow up out of the proportion of what happened but also that happened MONTHS ago be the reason I am being kicked out when in reality I took care of the issue. I solved it I worked with trainers that arent me. I have worked so hard since that point to perfect my dog to be the best service dog I could. Last night I argued with myself to just wash (a phrase that means to cut the dog from service work) Jake and rehome him because I was legit getting so much crap over stuff. I was being told by a group of elitists that my dog wasnt cut out for it and that he wasnt good enough. I broke last night and I mean it. I have already mentally been struggling because of stuff that is hurting me. I am really upset because i cant do it i cant keep being told hate and i cant keep feeling like it. This morning after falling asleep at just after 2am woke up at 9 to messages from another handler (a service dog owner) bashing me even more. This made the spiral from last night come back up. I am trying hard not to see all the shot and believe my dog can and will be successful but right now I struggling to even believe it can happen. I am struggling to see myself as even good enough right now. Like why dont I just stick to that rehoming Jake and not ever getting a much needed medical equipment that has been my last resort because nothing else helps to stop serious health issues. What am I not worth it. Am I not worth having that medical device I need. I am extremely broken right now and mentally i cant handle this I am approaching on a holiday seasons that 9 years ago caused something that haunts me still to this day a night huge trauma I will never get over. I am dreading that and my mental health is so bad I cant do it.
If you have read this far thank you right now I dont feep deserving I feel like at every corner there is someone just looking to take what I say and use it to hurt me.


To me it sounds like you are doing a good thing, i have 2 dogs myself who I thought about turning into emotional support or service dogs but with any dog they can behave like children and people need to realize that, one thing I will say is that all dogs no matter what breed or their temperament hahe nothing but love. Screw those people keep giving your pup love and in return they will do the same

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I’m sorry Ash.
All of that sounds awful. Now I don’t know your situation or what happened. I don’t know the whole story so I can’t say much on that. But what I can say is that I know that Jake is very loved. I see it every time you post and share about him on media. I see how dedicated you are to training him and building a bond. I see you taking care of him and giving him a good life. And THAT my friend matters more than anything else. People online and in groups can be mean. They easily cast judgement and hate where they don’t even know you or your struggles. Maybe leaving these groups for a while is a good thing. So you can focus on you and Jake and clear your mind. Don’t worry about these people. Worry about you and Jake. Your own home. You don’t have to get rid of him just because people want to be cruel. That’s not fair to you or Jake.

I love you my friend. And I’m so sorry that people have been bringing you down. We care. We are here for you. I hope things get better. Try to do something for you and Jake in the next few days okay? Whether it’s a walk, a special treat or whatever. Just try to disconnect from those people. Don’t read their messages. Okay?

Sending you love